Winterevent 2024 Embedded Talk

🔦 Firmware Flash

⚙️ Setting Up

  1. create common/ file and add Wi-Fi connection details, variables: SSID, PASSWORD (.gitignore ignores file)
  2. plug device to PC with cable that supports data transfer (USB C, micro USB)

🏁 Quickstart Guide

  1. download Thonny app on computer
  2. right corner or the app, select port for that device (e.g. ESP32 /dev/cu.usbserial-0001 on Mac/Linux, COM* on Windows)
  3. if that didn't connect the device (green play button should appear if it's connected/detected):
    1. try clicking on the red stop button in the Thonny
    2. try selecting another device for that same chip (e.g. ESP32 or ESP8266)
    3. sometimes it takes few seconds for computer to detect device (restart from step 1)
  4. developing your own app
    1. use file as entry point for device
    2. use libraries from src/common folder to extend your logic
    3. use src/examples for examples and quickstart
  5. right click on src folder in Thonny file explorer > Upload to / to upload src to device
  6. create file in the device file explorer as a device starting point when connected with the power cable
  7. from this point, two options are available:
    1. restart device with RST button on it (runs file on the device) - you won't be able to see logs/prints
    2. click green play button in Thonny (it runs opened file in Thonny) - you'll be able to see logs/prints
  8. (optional) change src/common libraries if needed to fit your design