
Extension for Magento 2 that allowed to use Magefun_Blog extension with combination in Elasticsuite extension

Primary LanguagePHP

Extension is not acvitely maintaining.

If you need the module and want to maintain the repo, please drop me a message. Twitter: @nuzil

ElasticSuite Blog search for Magefan Magento 2 Blog

This module connecting between each other ElasticSuite search extension and Magefan Magento 2 Blog extension (GitHub: magefan/module-blog)

It allows to index Magento 2 Blog posts into the search engine and display them into the autocomplete results, and also on the search result page.


  • For version 1.x.x: Magento Community Edition 2.2.* or Magento Enterprise Edition 2.2.*
  • For version 2.x.x: Magento Community Edition 2.3.* or Magento Enterprise Edition 2.3.*

The module requires :

How to use

  1. Enable it

bin/magento module:enable Comwrap_ElasticsuiteBlog

  1. Install the module and rebuild the DI cache

bin/magento setup:upgrade

  1. Process a full reindex of the Blog Post search index

bin/magento index:reindex elasticsuite_blog_fulltext