
Bluetooth device cross-platform pairing tool

Primary LanguagePython


Bluetooth device cross-platform pairing tool

This tool can help export bluetooth pair infomation from your os,

supported platform:

  • Linux (Tested on Ubuntu 18.04)
  • Windows (Tested on Windows 10)

This tool can export CSRK, IRK, LTK, EDIV, ERand from your system, or export LinkKey for old device

With configs above, you can share bluetooth device connection between Linux and Windows on same computer.


Administrator privileges is required. But Administrator privileges is ××not enough×× to access Windows Registry, so you need PsExec


  • Python 3
  • PsExec

You can get PsExec from here

Then run

PsExec64.exe -s python3 blcx-pair.py



  • Python 3
  • sudo

python3 blcx-pair.py

Typical Usage

  1. Pair your device (keyboard or mouse) in linux first
  2. Reboot and pair it in windows, and run this tool, backup device config you need
  3. Reboot to Linux, run this tool and get the controller's MAC address and device's MAC address
  4. Edit /var/lib/bluetooth/<controller>/<device>/info (sudo required)

If you are using old device, replace Key under [LinkKey] with LinkKey

If you are using newer device, replace fields as folowing

  • Key under[IdentityResolvingKey]: IRK
  • Key under[LongTermKey]: LTK
  • EDiv under[LongTermKey]: EDIV
  • Rand under[LongTermKey]: ERand

And then restart your bluetooth service

sudo service bluetooth restart

Enjoy ~