
Contactless Temperature Monitoring over BLE using ESP32 and MLX90640

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

Contactless Covid Camera

Health services and staff around the world are struggling to measure a patient's body and head temperature without making some form of contact. This project intends to provide a low-cost solution to build out a contactless thermal camera using the Melexis MLX90640 and ESP32 (Wia Dot One in the video) connected over I2C. Data is then sent via BLE and captured on a browser using Web Bluetooth.

View on YouTube here

Installation & Development setup

On ESP32, connect pin 21 to SDA and pin 22 to SCL.

To run the device code, the Arduino IDE is required. You can download it here. Once installed, support for ESP32 will need to be added. Steps to do that can be seen here.

To run the web code, drag index.html into a Chrome browser or host on a web server of your choice.


Conall Laverty (@ConallLaverty)

Distributed under the MIT license. See LICENSE for more information.



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