
This project is a basic airbnb clone written in Java and js. The project is built using gradle and follows Google Java Format style guidlelines.


Back End

to run the backend java server, run ./gradlew run at the root of the project.

Front End

to run the front end of the application, run ./gradlew runjs. This will start the web server here


We hereby agree to work together as a team on the course project in CISC / CMPE 327. We understand and agree that our project work will be evaluated as a team and that we will share the team mark for all assignments of the project. If there are any team collaboration issues reported, each member’s contribution through GitHub metrics on pull-request and code reviews will be evaluated and served as a basis for team contribution. We each promise to make our best effort to ensure that the team works together and that we equitably share the workload and opportunities for learning on all project phases.

Team Member #1:

Name: Cain J.B. Susko

Student Number: 20244352

Team Member #2:

Name: Aidan Leyne

Student Number: 20213321

Team Member #3:

Name: Max Oswin

Student Number: 20375067

Team Member #4:

Name: Conrad Fernandez

Student Number: 20219637