Chaplin Boilerplate

name pending


Setting up your environment

The first thing you’re going to want to do, is build a virtual environment and install any base dependancies. You'll want virtualenvwrapper which can be installed via pip install virtualenvwrapper if you don't already have it.

# Establish a new environment.
mkvirtualenv NAME

# Ensure we are working on the established environment.
workon NAME

# Install the node environment manager.
pip install nodeenv

# Bootstrap the node environment (this can take a while on slower computers).
nodeenv -p -j 9 -r requirements.txt

# Install local node dependencies
npm install

Resuming work in an established environment

Setting up an environment can take awhile so thankfully resuming use of an already set up environment is as simple as:

workon NAME

Running the development server


Build for distribution

grunt build


Unless otherwise noted, all files contained within this project are liensed under the MIT opensource license. See the included file LICENSE or visit for more information.