
Scalable concrete5 with Memcache

Primary LanguagePHP

Tutorial for scalling concrete5

Make your concrete5 site scalable with Memcache!

Works on concrete5 version 7.5.4+

How to setup

  1. Upload application/src directory to your concrete5 site

  2. Register a class override in your application/bootstrap/app.php

    Core::bind('Concrete\Core\Session\SessionFactoryInterface', 'Application\Src\Session\SessionFactory');
  3. Modify your application/config/concrete.php

    return array(
        // Change session handler to memcache
        'session' => array(
            'handler' => 'memcached',
            'memcached' => array(
                'servers' => array(
                        'host' => 'example.domain.of.memcache.cache.amazonaws.com',
                        'port' => '11211',
        // Change full page caching adapter to memcache
        'cache' => array(
            'overrides' => false,
            'page' => array(
                'adapter' => 'memcached',
                'memcached' => array(
                    'servers' => array(
                            'host' => 'example.domain.of.memcache.cache.amazonaws.com',
                            'port' => '11211',