
Migration tool for Concrete CMS version 9+.

Primary LanguagePHP


Download the Correct Package

There are several versions of the Migration Tool designed to work with various historical and current versions of Concrete CMS. Navigate to the appropriate GitHub repository page and download the latests release of the master branch:

Concrete CMS (concrete5) Version Compatible Migration Tool Branch Package Directory
<=5.6.x (legacy) Addon Migration Tool (Legacy) master migration_tool
5.7x through 8.x Addon Migration Tool master migration_tool
9.x+ Migration Tool master migration_tool

Install the Package on Your Concrete CMS

  1. Upload the package:
    • Extract the downloaded ZIP file.
    • Upload or copy the migration_tool directory to your Concrete installations under packages/ (located in the installation root).

General Process Note

Exporting and importing content is not always a straightforward process. Differences in the source and destination sites may require new attribute mappings or other compromises. The hurdles and solutions are not always obvious from the outset, so unless the two sites are exact copies, plan on this being an iterative process.

To help simplify this process, it may be useful to group exported data into smaller batches of content either by type or by size. The importation of these smaller batches can be verified for accuracy and completeness and, if issues are found, can be corrected through different mappings.

As part of this process, the destination site might accumulate imported content which is not correct. A backup should be made of the destination site before importing any content or, if the site is a fresh installation, be prepared to drop the database and start over. To simplify the process, content mapping settings can be saved and revised until all content is imported correctly. This makes the process repeatable and facilitates a final import after this trial-and-error process.

More detailed instructions and advice can be found in the Migration Tool Tutorial.

Exporting Content

From the source site, export the content using the following steps.

Access the Migration Tool

  • After installation, access the Migration Tool by navigating to Dashboard > Migration Tool.

Create a New Export Batch

  1. Create Batch:

    • Click on Create New Batch.
    • Name your batch for easy identification. Content is often exported in batches rather than all at once especially when there are large differences beteen the source and destination sites. For example, you might export users and associated information as one batch first, and then later export the pages they authored as another batch.
  2. Select Content to Export:

    • Choose the content types you wish to export (e.g., pages, files, users).
    • Configure the specifics for each content type, such as which pages or which user data to include.

Run the Export

  • Once you’ve configured your batch, click Export to generate a XML file containing your selected content.
  • Download this file to your local machine. It will be used to import content to the destination site.

Importing Content

Upload the Export File

  • Navigate to Dashboard > Migration Tool on the destination site.
  • Click on Import Content.

Start the Import Process

  1. Upload the XML File:

    • Use the file upload interface to select and upload the XML file you exported from the source site.
  2. Import Content:

    • After the file is uploaded, the tool will automatically parse the XML.
    • Review the content and configurations to be imported. Map the content where needed. This is where breaking the exported content into batches as this process can be labor intensive.
      • Once all content is mapped, consider saving the mapping settings. This can help save time if the import process does not work as expected.
    • Click Perform Import to begin the import process.

Verify the Imported Content

  • After the import process completes, verify that all content has been successfully imported and is functioning as expected. You may have to try importing the content with different settings or mappings and check the results for completeness.
  • Check for any discrepancies or issues and address them as necessary. If you have saved the content mappings, this trial-and-error process will be much easier.