
core concussionjs repository

Primary LanguageJavaScriptOtherNOASSERTION

ConcussionJS Core Platform

What is it?

ConcussionJS is a platform that enables you to create dynamic web applications with only HTML and CSS. You provide the HTML, and the platform generates everything from the client-side code to the REST APIs necessary to support your application.

Build your first application < 5 minutes following the tutorial at http://www.concussionjs.com

Run ConcussionJS platform one of four ways

###1. As a cloud platform (best way to start)

  • Step 1: Include the concussion.js javascript file in any of your HTML files. The file could reside on your file system (i.e., no need for a webserver). The simpler the HTML file the better to start off. include cjs

  • Step 2: Add the ConcussionJS attributes to your HTML page. It uses the same syntax as KnockoutJS add attr

  • Step 3: Load your HTML page in a browser, preferably Chrome or Safari (should work on others, but tested mostly on aforementioned). You'll know it worked if you see the Concussion Admin banner in the upper right.

Note: The Concussion Admin banner only appears when you use it as an anonymous developer -- if you register on www.concussionjs.com via Google or Facebook the banner won't be displayed load page

  • Step 4: Click on the Concussion Admin banner to go to the administration page to add records click admin

  • Step 5: Click the "New" button on the admin page to create a new record click new

  • Step 6: Set the field values for your new record and hit save. Then create 2 or 3 more records the same way set values

  • Step 7: Reload your HTML file to see the page populated with your newly created records see results

VOILA -- now you have database backed, dynamic web page without the headaches of traditional web development

Supporting JavaScript API

ConcussionJS also offers a JavaScript API to support your development.

The JavaScript API provides the following methods:



YOUR_OBJECT_NAME.createRecord(jsonObject, callback)

YOUR_OBJECT_NAME.update(jsonObject, callback)



Let's assume that your starting with the following HTML

        <div data-bind="foreach:contacts.read">
            <div data-bind="text:name"></div>

Your API would be auto-generated / customized based on the objects you declare. In this case the generated API would be built around the contacts objects and its single property, "name"

        // will print out JSON of returned contacts array
        // will print out JSON of returned contacts array based on query
        // query is passed in as a JSON object, i.e., {name:"some name"}
    $cjs.contacts.createRecord({name:"John Doe"},function(result){
        // will print out the message from the call to create the record
    $cjs.contacts.update({name:"John Doe"},objectId,function(result){
        // will print out the message from the call to update the record
        // will print out the message from the call to delete record

###2. As a self-installable Debian package

    $ apt-get install gdebi-core
  • Step 3: Use gdebi to install the Debian package
    $ sudo gdebi concussionjs-core.deb
  • Step 4: Check to see if install is working by verifying that the sample applicaton is working

Got to: http://samples.local-concussionjs.com/contacts.html

My image

Note : It may take up to 5 minutes for the startup routine to complete

###3. Install via NPM Detailed instructions below

###4. Install from source Detailed instructions below

Instructions to install via NPM (Option 3 above)


*Ubuntu 12.04 Linux or higher (Note:only configuration tested, though it will likely work on other OS's in the debian family)

  • git
  • mongodb
  • nodejs
  • npm
  • g++
  • build-essential
  • python-dev
  • python-pip
  • redis-server
  • openjdk-6-jre-headless

We have also provided an install script for those starting from a fresh OS install. Refer to Optional Step 2 below

1. Install ConcussionJS Core Platform with NPM

From the shell:

    $ sudo npm install concusionjs-core -g

The '-g' option will make the 'cjs' and 'cjs-proxy' bin-script available system-wide (usually linked from '/usr/local/bin'). Without the -g option you will be installing the concussionjs-core libraries in the current directory

  • IMPORTANT NOTE 1 : You have to install the library with the '-g' extension because the libraries have dependencies to the global npm root directory

  • IMPORTANT NOTE 2 : npm install -g should install the concussionjs-core package in /usr/local/lib/node_modules/concussionjs-core

OPTIONAL Step 2. Install all linux package dependencies

From CONCUSSIONJS_CORE_DIR/install/os_install/YOUR_OS directory:

    $ cd CONCUSSIONJS_CORE_DIR/install/os_install/YOUR_OS
    $ sudo ./install.sh

*Only Ubuntu currently supported

3. Configuring the server (config.json)

The ConcussionJS Core Platform uses MongoDB for object persistence, and Redis to support the rate-limiting proxy configuration.

        "mongodb": {
            "port": 27017,
            "host": ""
        "redis": {
        	"port": 6379,
        	"host": ""
    	},"facebook": {
            "clientid": ""
  • mongodb: MongoDB configuration (host & port)
  • redis: Redis configuration (host & port)
  • facebook: Facebook authentication configuration (app id, app secret)
  • google: Google authentication configuration (clientid)
  • aws: Amazon Web Services S3 (bucket_name, region) and route53 (hosted_zone_id) configuration

4. Configure the cjs-proxy server (config.json)

cjs-proxy uses a Redis server to manage its configuration (and to share its state across the multiple workers). You can use the Redis server to change its configuration while it's running or simply check the health state of a backend.

The config file is under CONCUSSIONJS_CORE_DIR/node_modules/concussionjs-proxy/config/cjs_config.json

    	"server": {
        	"debug": true,
        	"accessLog": "/var/log/hipache_access.log",
        	"port": 80,
        	"workers": 1,
        	"maxSockets": 100,
        	"deadBackendTTL": 30
    	"redis": {
        	"port": 6379,
        	"host": ""
  • server.accessLog: location of the Access logs, the format is the same as nginx
  • server.port: Port to listen to (HTTP)
  • server.workers: Number of workers to be spawned (specify at least 1, the master process does not serve any request)
  • server.maxSockets: The maximum number of sockets which can be opened on each backend (per worker)
  • server.deadBackendTTL: The number of seconds a backend is flagged as `dead' before retrying to proxy another request to it
  • server.https: SSL configuration (omit this section to disable HTTPS)
  • redis: Redis configuration (host & port)

5. Run ConcussionJS install scriptsRun to import Redis and MongoDB records, and initiate servers

From CONCUSSIONJS_CORE_DIR/install directory

    $ cd CONCUSSIONJS_CORE_DIR/install
    $ sudo ./install.sh -g

6. Check to see if install is working by verifying that the sample applicaton is working

Got to: http://samples.local-concussionjs.com/contacts.html

My image

Note : It may take up to 5 minutes for the startup routine to complete

Instructions to install from source (Option 4 above)


*Ubuntu 12.04 Linux or higher (Note:only configuration tested, though it will likely work on other OS's in the debian family)

  • git
  • mongodb
  • nodejs
  • npm
  • g++
  • build-essential
  • python-dev
  • python-pip
  • redis-server
  • openjdk-6-jre-headless

We have also provided an install script for those starting from a fresh OS install. Follow optional step 4

1. Clone ConcussionJS Core Platform into your target directory (e.g., $HOME)

NOTE: rest of the examples below assume $HOME as the base directory, but you could clone the project into another location; just remember to replace $HOME in the steps below with whatever your base directory is

From your home directory:

    $ cd $HOME
    $ git clone https://github.com/concussionjs/concussionjs-core

2. Run the npm install from your concussionjs-core install directory to install all package dependencies

    $ cd $HOME/concussionjs-core
    $ npm install

3. Link CLI and proxy executables to /usr/local/bin directory

    $ sudo ln -s $HOME/concussionjs-core/bin/cli.py /usr/local/bin/cjs
    $ sudo ln -s $HOME/concussionjs-core/node_modules/concussionjs-proxy/bin/cjs-proxy /usr/local/bin/cjs-proxy

OPTIONAL Step 4. Install all linux package dependencies

From $HOME/concussionjs-core/install/os_install/YOUR_OS directory:

    $ cd $HOME/concussionjs-core/install/os_installs/YOUR_OS
    $ sudo ./install.sh

*Only Ubuntu currently supported

5. Configuring the server (config.json)

The ConcussionJS Core Platform uses MongoDB for object persistence, and Redis to support the rate-limiting proxy configuration.

        "mongodb": {
            "port": 27017,
            "host": ""
        "redis": {
            "port": 6379,
            "host": ""
        },"facebook": {
            "clientid": ""
  • mongodb: MongoDB configuration (host & port)
  • redis: Redis configuration (host & port)
  • facebook: Facebook authentication configuration (app id, app secret)
  • google: Google authentication configuration (clientid)
  • aws: Amazon Web Services S3 (bucket_name, region) and route53 (hosted_zone_id) configuration

6. Configure the cjs-proxy server (config.json)

cjs-proxy uses a Redis server to manage its configuration (and to share its state across the multiple workers). You can use the Redis server to change its configuration while it's running or simply check the health state of a backend.

The config file is under $HOME/concussionjs-core/node_modules/concussionjs-proxy/config/cjs_config.json

        "server": {
            "debug": true,
            "accessLog": "/var/log/hipache_access.log",
            "port": 80,
            "workers": 1,
            "maxSockets": 100,
            "deadBackendTTL": 30
        "redis": {
            "port": 6379,
            "host": ""
  • server.accessLog: location of the Access logs, the format is the same as nginx
  • server.port: Port to listen to (HTTP)
  • server.workers: Number of workers to be spawned (specify at least 1, the master process does not serve any request)
  • server.maxSockets: The maximum number of sockets which can be opened on each backend (per worker)
  • server.deadBackendTTL: The number of seconds a backend is flagged as `dead' before retrying to proxy another request to it
  • server.https: SSL configuration (omit this section to disable HTTPS)
  • redis: Redis configuration (host & port)

7. Run ConcussionJS install script to import Redis and MongoDB records, and initiate servers

From $HOME/concussionjs-core directory

    $ cd $HOME/concussionjs-core
    $ sudo ./install/install.sh

As an alternative, you could specify a prefix folder so that you can run the install script from any directory you'd like; above example must be run from the concussionjs-core folder. From the example, that would be $HOME/concussionjs-core

    $ cd $HOME/concussionjs-core
    $ sudo ./install/install.sh --prefix $HOME/concussionjs_core

8. Check to see if install is working by verifying that the sample applicaton is working

Got to: http://samples.local-concussionjs.com/contacts.html

My image

Note : It may take up to 5 minutes for the startup routine to complete

The ConcussionJS Community's Mission

Our mission is to bring down the barriers to creating, and learning how to create, modern applications and drive platform adoption by:

  • Applying a model-driven, rather than code driven, approach
  • Reducing the technical expertise required (e.g., web server, app server, database, web services, JavaScript) to build apps
  • Increasing the power of HTML and CSS skills
  • Ensuring that learnability for first time users is sacred, and that time to learn a task is proportional to its complexity
  • Providing a way for people to interact with the platform at all points along the interest curve (e.g., "I just heard about the platform and am still skeptical" to "I love the technology and want to deploy it behind my firewall" to "I have drunk the kool aid, and now want to contribute to the codebase") that only requires a level of effort proportional to the interest level

Our Platform Roadmap

The platform's initial target usecases are:

  • Building simple, graphically rich web applications
  • Rapid prototyping (e.g., turning a static HTML prototype into an interactive, database backed application)

As the community grows and platform matures, the goal is to support increasingly sophisticated use cases, and ultimately support both enterprise-ready business applications and web-scale, consumer facing apps.

In addition, we believe that to become a dominant platform ConcussionJS must be able to:

  • Run on-demand and on-premises
  • Operate on-line and off-line
  • Deploy as both a multi-tenant and single-tenant solution
  • Deploy as a self-installable package, a virtual appliance, an AWS image, and even be run without deploying anything at all (e.g., a hosted JavaScript include + freely available backend services)
  • Support apps for native mobile, web mobile, tablet, desktop, and, eventually, TV and larger formats
  • Incrementally scale at all layers of the stack
  • Provide application QA, integrity verification, and remediation
  • Offer built-in analytics, dashboards, and performance management

We are just at the beginning of this journey, and there is much to do to fully realize this vision. If you've been frustrated with the inefficieny of building apps and want to take up arms against the encumbant platforms, please join us on github and contribute.

Immediate areas we would like your help with include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Adding support for KnockoutJS alternatives, in particular AngularJS (www.angularjs.org)
  • Integrating better security and identity management
  • Improving admin console's support for data object model and instance management, including searching and displaying large record sets
  • Building examples of ConcussionJS in action