
live, human-driven conversational (basic) AI learning server & frontend

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A machine learning approach to the Turing Test


The pursuit of Artificial Intelligence is perhaps our greatest undertaking. Creating a sentient being would be to unlock the secret of life itself - but how can you know if someone (or some thing) is conscious? This is the question that Alan Turing examined in his seminal “Imitation Game” Gedankenexperiment. Since re-branded as “the Turing Test”, the game consists of an Inquisitor and a Subject. If the Subject can successfully convince his interrogator that he is human, he wins. It is Turing’s claim that if a machine were to pass such a test, it would be sentient.

This claim has predictably spawned intense debate over whether a Turing Test-passing machine would truly be “thinking,” “intelligent,” or “conscious,” as well as dissent over what those words really mean. Popular arguments for and against the Test as a sufficient identifier of intelligence include Ned Block’s “Blockhead” argument (against), and Shieber’s “Accessible Universe” counter. I will expound on these more in the following section, but for now it is enough to say that Block believes a “dumb” program with only the capability to perform dictionary lookups could pass the Turing test. All it would need is a dictionary with a human answer to any question. Shieber claims that such a data structure would be impossibly large.

There is truth in both arguments. However, I also believe that each has its faults. In this project, I hope to present a compromise between the two - by showing how a “Blockhead” may be able pass the test without a prohibitively large dictionary, while still keeping the hope alive that the Turing Test is some measure of intelligence.

It is my belief that a machine need not know the answer to every possible question in a Turing Test - just the ones that humans would ask. But how to know what questions humans would ask, and how they should be answered? Simply play the Imitation Game with them, and learn as you go. I don’t think we humans are so uniquely creative as to never repeat questions (or at least similar questions) between us - which means that the set would eventually converge. I will go into the details of the “learning” that takes place, and the methods through which that knowledge is acquired in a later section. What’s important is the high-level facts: such a machine will be building a “Blockhead” dictionary from the combined learning of many human interactions. Eventually, that dictionary may be able to pass the Turing Test on its own, without the learning intermediary. To that end, my project is a generator for a finite Blockhead. And if it’s learned a bit of what it means to be human from each of us (it takes a village) then we can perhaps reconsider both Shieber and Block’s arguments.

Background and Related Work

The Imitation Game

Alan Turing’s “Computing Machinery and Intelligence” is perhaps the formative paper for Artificial Intelligence. In it, he examines the question “can machines think?” and presents an idea that has become this field’s philosopher’s stone - creating a sentient computer. The method by which Turing proposes to measure whether an AI is intelligent is the “Imitation Game,” which has since become the “Turing Test.”

The Chinese Room

There are many who disagree that a machine that could pass the Turing test would necessarily be sentient. Proposed by John R. Searle in his 1980 paper “Minds, Brains, and Programs”, the ‘Chinese Room’ is a Gedankenexperiment in which a (non Chinese-speaking) person resides in a room full of Chinese books. He is given a batch of what to him looks like squiggles, with an explicit set of rules (in English) for how to produce squiggles from the first batch using the books in the room. He does so, and passes the squiggles he’s written back. He is then given another set of squiggles, with precise instructions on how to produce another response from the first two. Such a system could theoretically pass the Turing Test, but Searle proposes that the person obviously doesn’t understand Chinese, and therefore a computer that passes the Turing Test would not necessarily be sentient.

The Blockhead

Ned Block proposed perhaps the most accepted counter-argument in his 1981 paper “Psychologism and Behaviorism”, since termed the ‘Blockhead’ argument. Block proposes that a dictionary could be created that simply has a human’s answer to every question, and the ‘Blockhead’ is a computer that performs only the most simple dictionary lookup for whatever question is asked. This machine, posits Block, would have “The intelligence of a toaster.”

The Dumb Grandmaster

In one of Block’s defensive replies, he also presents the parable of ‘Jones,’ the dumb chess grandmaster. Jones rarely loses a game of chess, but when you look at his method you are a bit disappointed in his actual ability. He simply plays two games at once, black in one, white in the other. Then he mirrors his opponent’s moves in the opposite game. This way, Jones wins frequently, but shows no real “intelligence.”

The Accessible Universe

Professor Stuart Shieber counters in his 2014 paper “There can be no Turing-test-passing Memorizing Machines” that such a dictionary is actually impossible. Such a data structure would actually have to hold responses to entire threads of conversation, which permute at such a rate as to make keeping such a quantity of information impossible even if the entire accessible universe were to be used as data storage.

Problem Specification

The core problem I am solving is the one presented by the intersection of Block’s and Shieber’s arguments. If I can show that a finite blockhead could potentially pass the test, then that could be a good counter to Shieber’s “Accessible Universe” theory. Likewise, if the way that dictionary is built is through large amounts of human interaction, perhaps that can call into question whether the dictionary is totally “dumb,” or if it represents some mapping of collective human thought.

More formally, I’ve set out to prove by induction that such a dictionary is possible. If I can create an AI that learns from human conversation such that every interaction makes it a bit better at surviving the Turing Test, then logically it should eventually be able to pass at least the finite restrictions set forward in the original specification (No more than 70% chance of being identified after a 5 minute test). (Note: there is definitely a counter-point to be made here about exponential blowup in a conversation model, but more on that later)

To do this, I must show a base case and an inductive step. The base case is simply showing that my machine can learn to respond to a question. The inductive step is showing that if it can learn to respond to some number of questions, it can learn to respond to one more question, and thereby can respond to any question. A key assumption here is that there is a countable number of questions - as I mentioned earlier this is a core belief of mine: that given enough training time it is highly unlikely that most questions wouldn’t be repeated (especially with a vectorizer that maps similar questions together - though perhaps that breaks the Blockhead property).


The below gives an overview of the system and a description of its interfaces:



The frontend is implemented as a javascript web socket interface. The data Alan needs is hidden away in the humans’ minds. So to entice them into sharing their knowledge, his interface must be one that they enjoy biologically. When viewed this way, the Frontend becomes an instrument for better data collection from the set: humans. Relevant file: index.html


The Controller is a Node server that takes care of matchmaking, and processing information from the frontend data-collector to translate for the model. Relevant files: index.js, model.js.

  • Matchmaking: Matchmaking is implemented as a timeout queue. I’m not sure whether this data structure has been made before, but it is one that I created for this project. Basically, when a user comes in, they wait for a few seconds before being assigned a chat partner. If there is a human that comes in during those three seconds, the two are paired. Otherwise, the waiting party is paired with Alan. Who is the Subject and who is the Inquisitor is will be chosen randomly.

  • Chat: Chat is implemented with web sockets. This is essential so that real human conversation can be simulated. Without instantaneous communication, the conversations will not be “real.” The Controller can get a question from the human and submit the transcript to the API for an almost instantaneous response. Most importantly, this allows us to learn in real time from budding transcripts.

  • Learning: The Controller also calls the reward and punish functions of the API on transcripts when a connected user guesses Alan’s identity. In addition, it continuously rewards transcripts as they build, because we have a positive survival delta.

  • Eavesdropping: When we get two humans paired together, it is a goldmine of information. The Controller lets Alan listen in on the conversation, and he uses it to build out his model of what human conversation looks like. (Controller continually calls API reward function on human-human conversation).


The Model is implemented as a stateless Django server (Alan) wrapped around a database server (the Blockhead). Relevant files: views.py, helpers.py, models.py.

  • Reward: When the “Reward” function is called on a transcript, the Model updates it’s belief of how good that transcript is. At this point, that means that p(success) for the last response is elevated. However, I may consider making a deeper conversation model than just Question-Answer - though I’m debating whether that would violate the Blockhead property.

  • Punish: Similarly, when Alan fails a conversation, his response is punished - p(success) drops. I’ve made the weight of the punishment customizable in the settings, so Alan can learn quickly.

  • Response: When someone requests a response for a transcript, Alan considers it, consults his beliefs, and produces what he believes to be a good response for a human. This is the core interaction.

  • Question: The reverse Turing Test - Alan is the Inquisitor. This is used to give him the opportunity to ask humans the questions he has difficulty answering, thereby giving him good data for what a human would say in response to such questions.

  • Cross-Pollination: When Alan sees a question he hasn’t seen before, he searches all the questions he’s seen to find the most similar one. Then, he sends back that question’s best response (if asked). In addition, he creates an entry in the database with the new question, and all the responses from the original one. The ‘similarity’ function is currently implemented as a Cosine Similarity calculation built with nltk and a scikit-learn feature extractor (links in repo).

  • Stochasticity: Alan can also have some stochasticity in his responses to enhance learning (and not get caught in local minima). However, I’m not sure whether this violates the blockhead property so it’s customizable in the project settings.

  • Clean: We can also tell “Clean” the database - removing answers that have a bad $p(success)$. This will be important in keeping the db below the size of the Accessible Universe. Furthermore, access to the frequency, failure, and similarity properties of the conversation models means we could be even more agressive in our cleaning should the need arise (for example, remove all rarely-failing questions with an extremely similar counterpart, and merge their responses).


While I knew exactly what was going on, it was still a bit of a shock when the system I’d built started talking to me. The prime experiment I ran was devised to prove it could learn. The test would go as follows:

1. Ask a question. Get a response.

2. If I thought it was something a human would say, I continued.

3. If I did not, I indicated that I thought I was talking to a machine.

4. Then, as I continued using the site, I would see the AI asking me questions.

5. I would answer them naturally.

6. Then I would ask my questions again, and I would see a good human response.

Of course, I knew that those were just my own responses being parroted back to me, but once I got some friends using it I was truly surprised sometimes when it felt like I was talking to an (occasionally obnoxious) human. When I implemented stochasticity and cross-pollination, this process sped up dramatically. Soon, we couldn’t help but refer to the machine as “Alan.”

On a more technical level, I created a view into the backend at turingtest.io/api/model, where I could verify that specific beliefs were being updated. So for instance, I could set up a human-human conversation and watch as each question-response was added to the model. I could also watch the model’s perception of $p(success)$ for each response that was rewarded or punished. I’m a big believer in backend visualization as a development tool (and just being neat in general), and it was a big help for this project.


It would take a long time and plenty of human interaction for Alan to have a chance at passing the Turing Test, and even longer for the Blockhead he’s generating to do so. However, I believe the system I’ve created shows how it could be done in finite space. The above experiments are the core of the induction proof - it learns. Furthermore, because there are a finite number of questions that humans will ask, the database can exist. And if the system is always getting better at human conversation, then it will eventually surpass the finite bounds of the Turing Test.

Something I find interesting about Block’s story about Jones the Dumb Grandmaster is that he doesn’t consider the intelligence of Jones’ two opponents. While Jones most certainly isn’t intelligent, the chess players he is getting his moves from certainly are. Similarly, when a ton of human thought has been condensed into this database, the program that does the dictionary lookup is Jones, and the database is the grandmaster. This feels somewhat counterintuitive - a database surely can’t be sentient, can it? But perhaps it possesses a sort of passive consciousness that can only be reinvigorated by an acting program - much like a legally dead person can occasionally be brought back to life, the program is that “spark” that revives the dead brain and produces something with consciousness and thought.

I don’t know how long it would take for this system to get close to passing the Turing Test, or how much human interaction it needs. I do believe, however, that this project presents a good counter to both Block and Shieber’s arguments. I still do not know whether the Turing Test is sufficient for intelligence, but when the time comes to spin Alan down I think the real measure of sentience will become clear - will I be able to pull the plug?

System Usage

Simply go to TuringTest.io! For a look at the model/Alan’s current beliefs as they build, go to turingtest.io/api/model. If you really want to set it up on your own instance, I may set up a guide at github.com/condaatje/turingtest.io but be aware that it involves a ton of auxiliary installations and instructions. What may be preferable is emailing me for the password to the remote GUI/IDE running on the AWS EC2 instance (), where everything is set up for you.

Group Makeup

Christian Ondaatje

This has been my favorite final project, and my favorite CS class. While obviously nervous at first about taking on such a big challenge, I’m really happy with how its turned out and how well I’ve fulfilled the goals I set in my proposal. I really dedicated a lot to this project, and I’m happy I did. This system has 6 servers interacting with each other: Nginx reverse proxy dishing all the requests about, Node controller, Gunicorn running the Django wsgi server for the API/Model, Postgres DB server for persistence, a Stanford NLP instance (which I ended up not needing), and then a c9sdk server for a remote IDE. There was a ton of work on the core algorithms/AI, though it presents more in the volume of reading and learning necessary to make this work than in sheer quantity of code.


Really hasn’t been carrying his weight.


[1] Ned Block. Psychologism and behaviorism. Philosophical Review, 90(1):5–43, 1981.

[2] John R. Searle. Minds, brains, and programs. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 3:417–424, 1980.

[3] Stuart M Shieber. There can be no turing-test-passing memorizing machines. Philosophers’ Imprint, 14(16):1–13, 2014.

[4] Alan M Turing. Computing machinery and intelligence. Mind, 59(236):433–460, 1950.