Getting Started

  • If you're using your local machine, you can automatically set up the testing environment by running:

     $ bash

    This will start a shell session inside the container with the necessary packages and testing files. If developing locally, you can navigate to the root directory with:

     $ cd home/cdeleon

    To navigate to the directory with the testing scripts use:

     $ cd home/cdeleon/FormulaCompressionTesting/testing

    You can edit the configuations with vim:

     $ vim

    You can also modify the file directly from the host since the scripts use docker bind mounts. Once you're happy with the settings, you can run the script as usual:

     $ bash

    Once you're done, you can exit out of the container using

     $ exit

    If you'd like to run the container again use:

     # For local development
     $ bash ./scripts/local/ <container-name>
     # For the RISE servers:
     $ bash ./scripts/rise/ <container-name>
  • If you're on the RISE servers, you can run:

     $ bash RISE

    WARNING: The command above is case sensitve. If you were to instead type "RISe" for instance then then none of the RISE server configurations would be applied, and it would the equivalent of calling bash

    This will start a shell session inside the container with the necessary packages and testing files. You'll automatically be placed in the root directory. To navigate to the directory with the testing scripts use:

     $ cd FormulaCompressionTesting/testing

    From there the same commands from above apply.

  • NOTE: The RISE servers do not have docker-compose installed (and you can't install it due to access privileges). As a result, this project includes a clean up script that wipes all containers, images, and networks used by

     $ bash