
The Official Conduktor Software Homebrew Tap

Primary LanguageRuby

The Conduktor Homebrew Tap

This is a custom Homebrew tap for official Conduktor software: Conduktor CLI (and former Conduktor Desktop).

Get Started

Add the custom tap in a MacOS terminal session using:

$ brew tap conduktor/brew

Install Conduktor CLI

Conduktor CLI gives you the ability to perform some operations directly from your command line or a CI/CD pipeline.

Check the reference documentation.

# For the first time
$ brew install conduktor-cli

# If you already installed it
$ brew update conduktor-cli

Install Conduktor Desktop

This is our former Conduktor Desktop product (a Desktop Kafka UI):

$ brew install conduktor

The Documentation

For more information, please reference the following documentation:


If you're having issues with Conduktor please contact us.