
A package for experimenting with random numerical semigroups.

Primary LanguageGAPMIT LicenseMIT


Written by Christopher O'Neill and Zachary Spaulding.

Provides a collection of GAP code for creating a database of random numerical semigroups and Sage code for plotting expected values. The package was developed as part of a senior thesis project by Zachary Spaulding, an undergraduate student at University of California Davis. For a more detailed overview, see Zachary's senior thesis.

You can find action shots in the images folder.

Please note that this is an alpha version and subject to change without notice.


rns-db-plot is released under the terms of the MIT license. The MIT License is simple and easy to understand and it places almost no restrictions on what you can do with this software.


Here we will walk through an example of running a small experiment using rns-db-plot. This example used the function RunExperimentPM() which calls RunExperimentP() for each entry in a list of M values. We first launch GAP and run the following.

gap> LoadPackage("num");
gap> NumSgpsUse4ti2();
gap> NumSgpsUse4ti2gap();
gap> NumSgpsUseSingular();
gap> NumSgpsUseNormaliz();
gap> RunExperimentPM(1000, "file2.txt", "table\_2", [["NumMinGens", NumMinGens, "integer"]], [500, 1000, 5000, 10000], 1, 100, 1, 10, 15, GenerateNumericalSemigroupAp);
gap> quit;

Next, run the following in the terminal to create the sqlite database.

~ $ sqlite3 Database
sqlite> .read file_2.txt
sqlite> .save Database
sqlite> .quit

Finally, launch Sage and execute the following to generate the plots from this experiment.

sage: import sqlite3
sage: expectedAttributePlot("~/zacharyspaulding/NumSgps/Database", "table_2", "NumMinGens", [500, 1000, 5000, 10000])