
This repository to donate crypto in the OJS (Open Jurnal System) system, specifically for etherium.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Confenni: A Plugin for Donating Ethereum on Open Journal System (OJS) Platform [Beta Version]

This plugin allows users to donate Ethereum cryptocurrency within the OJS system. It facilitates splitting the donated amount from the sender among three recipients (publisher, reviewer, and author). Follow the steps below to install this plugin in your OJS system.

PS: This plugin is currently under development.


  1. Download or Clone this repository.
  2. Copy the folder DonateButtonPlugin and move it to your OJS folder.


For users of XAMPP/MAMP, navigate to the htdocs/[ojs-folder-name] folder.

├── htdocs
│   ├── [ojs-folder-name]
│   │   ├── plugins
│   │   │   ├── generic
│   │   │   │   ├── Paste the "DonateButtonPlugin" folder here.
│   │   │   │   │   
│   │   │   │   │   
│   │   │   │   │   
│   │   │   │   └── Other Folder for Generic Plugins
│   │   │   └── Other Folder for Plugins
│   │   └── Other Folder System OJS
│   └── Other Folder Project
└── Other Folder System XAMPP/MAMP

Enable the Plugin

After installing the plugin, don't forget to enable it by following these steps:

  • Log in to the OJS system with administrator privileges.

App Screenshot

  • Once logged in, go to your profile and click on the Dashboard menu.

App Screenshot

  • Then, navigate to Website > Plugins.

App Screenshot

  • In the Installed Plugins section, search for the plugin named "Donation Button Plugin" and check the checkbox to activate it.

App Screenshot

  • Once the plugin is enabled, you will see the Donate Button on the Journal Page.

App Screenshot

App Screenshot

Tech Stack

System: ReactJS, TailwindCSS, JavaScript, Smarty File (.tpl), PHP

Build using Docker Compose

After downloading the project, change directory into the DonateCryptoPlugin directory by executing the following command on your console.

cd DonateCryptoPlugin

download and build the (required) containers

sudo docker-compose build

run the containers

sudo docker-compose up

stop the containers

sudo docker-compose stop

Remove permanently the containers

sudo docker-compose rm

End to End Test Video

Watch the video

How to run the unit tests

  1. Change directory into test directory inside DonateButtonPlugin directory
cd test
  1. Install node_modules first by executing npm install
npm install
  1. Run the test by executing npm run test
npm run test