
Helper components for rendering form content in Blazor using Bootstrap v4

Primary LanguageHTMLGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Helper components for rendering form content in Blazor using Bootstrap v4

.NET Core build pack and push


  • check binding
  • re-enable other types
  • fix date binding for unset dates
  • create a group which has no validation?
  • fix BsDropDown on Cost region
  • Switch to using bUnit for testing
  • Add more test cases
  • update docs
  • add more example pages for the different components
  • page showing BsGroup and BsValidatedGroup examples
  • add nuget package publishing to the build process
  • add to Awesome-Blazor list of packages when sufficiently mature


When creating forms in web applications using Bootstrap, I find all the boiler-plate HTML required to be largely repetitive and tedious.

With the Razor component model in Blazor we can create components to hide away all that tedious nested HTML div tags and focus on the fields.

The BlazorFormLayout library enables this.


This code creates a Bootstrap form with several bound fields.

<EditForm Model="model">
  <BsLayout Orientation="Orientation.Horizontal">
    <BsText @bind-Value="model.Name" Label="Customer name" >
    <BsText @bind-Value="model.Contact" Label="Contact" >
    <BsCheckbox @bind-Value="model.IsPriorityCustomer" Label="Priority" />
    <BsNumber @bind-Value="model.Units" Label="Units to Order" />
    <BsNumber @bind-Value="model.Price" Label="Unit Price" />
    <BsGroup Label="Select colour">
      <input type='color' @bind="model.FavouriteColour" />
    <BsDropdownEnum @bind-Value="model.CustomerType" @options="CustomerTypeList" Label="Business Type" />
    <BsStaticText Value="@model.Total.ToString("c")" Label="Total" />
    <BsDate @bind-Value="model.DeliveryDate" Label="Delivery date" />

The rendered form looks like this: Example Form

Getting Started

See the Getting Started section of the documentation


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