
Bash script that checks internet connection

Primary LanguageShell



Bash script that checks internet connection

how to use?

if you have any device in office/home, run nohup bash check_net.sh &. nohub will store the output of the script in ~/nohup.txt and the script will make output in ~/status.txt

useful crontabs

you can write local crons that will check every hour if script is running and weekly cron to delete old nohub text (if you have)

10 10 * * 7 echo '' > /home/<HOMEDIR>/nohup.out

1 * * * * if [ $(ps -C bash u | grep -c 'bash check_net.sh') -eq 0 ]; then $(nohup bash check_net.sh > /home/<HOMEDIR>/nohup.out &) ; fi