This package provides a Cobra command that helps your users add custom PS1 prompts for your CLI. Users can customize their own PS1 prompt using syntax from the Go template package and formatting tokens.
- Initialize a PS1 object with a list of tokens that users can use to customize their prompt (for instance, the %C token below will display the user's login context) and add the
command to your Cobra CLI.
package main
import (
func main() {
root := &cobra.Command{Use: "confluent"}
ctx := context.Load()
prompt := ps1.New(root.Name(), []ps1.Token{
Name: 'C',
Desc: "Print the current login context.",
Func: func() string { return ctx.Name() },
- Use this command to print a custom string consisting of the CLI name and the user's login context.
$ confluent prompt -f '(confluent|%C)'
- Then, append it to the
environment variable to continuously display it in the terminal prompt. (Note: ZSH users will have to runsetopt prompt_subst
prior to this step.)
$ export PS1='$(confluent prompt -f "(confluent|%C)") '$PS1
(confluent|context-1) $ confluent context use context-2
(confluent|context-2) $ ...
Colors and other styling attributes can be added to the format string. To avoid escaping special characters, consider defining this string in a separate variable.
$ format='({{fgcolor "blue" "confluent" | attr "bold"}}|{{fgcolor "red" %C}})'
$ export PS1='$(confluent prompt -f $format) '$PS1