Parallel Apache Kafka client wrapper with per message ACK, client side queueing, a simpler consumer/producer API with key concurrency and extendable non-blocking IO processing.
- ableasdale@confluentinc
- acktsap@naver
- alexsalvo1Confluent
- AndrewJSchofieldConfluent Inc.
- ayushmpb95London
- bbejeck@confluentinc
- DabzWeaviate
- danielpetismeClermont-Ferrand
- datapromike@confluentinc
- davetroiano
- ethadenConfluent
- feoccoConfluent, Inc
- hifly81@confluentinc
- hooniegitWAT
- javabrett@confluentinc
- jupilhwang
- kikulikov@confluentinc
- ksilin@ConfluentInc
- MarkC0xSan Francisco Bay Area
- mcascallaresConfluent
- mddunnConfluent
- nachomdoLondon
- nrf110Ware2Go
- nscuroKiel, Germany
- ntalcusConfluent
- OoRobFuoOConfluent Inc.
- philipneeConfluent
- rhauchConfluent, Inc.
- Schm1tz1Confluent
- sduff@confluentinc
- SmithJohnTaylor@Confluentinc
- thecrazymonkey
- tomasalmeidaConfluent
- tsuz@confluentinc
- tuyucheng777Wuhan,China
- vdesabou@confluentinc