
Ruleset based off Malicious Actors in my personal experience for use with Suricata specifically targeting OpnSense Installations.

Bad Encounters Ruleset

This is a simple custom ruleset for use with Suricata specifically targeting OpnSense Installations.

The Ruleset is based off malicious actors in my personal experience to help protect any network from them.


These following instructions are for installation within OpnSense. Simply connect to your OpnSense installation and run the following.

cd /user/local/opnsense/scripts/suricata/metadata/rules/

curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/confused-Techie/Bad_Encounters_Ruleset/main/Bad_Encounters_Ruleset.xml -o bad-encounters.xml

  • Then go to the OpnSense Dahsboard and reload the Suricata Service.

  • Once reloaded: Services > Intrusion Detection > Administration > Download

  • Here you can enable Bad_Encounters/bad_ips and of course start the download by hitting "Download and Update Rules"

  • Keep in mind that by default these will only alert and do nothing to block. Blocking should be enabling by creating a Policy that applies to this ruleset.


Feel free to add anything that has affecting your personal network. Just ensure to also add to the reasoning file.