
A Metalsmith plugin for paginating arrays and collections

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Metalsmith Pagination

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A Metalsmith plugin for paginating arrays and collections.


npm install metalsmith-pagination --save


To paginate an array of files, you need to have a property that points to the location of the collection you want to paginate. The value should be an options object that will be used to initialize the plugin. For example:


Install via npm and then add metalsmith-pagination to your metalsmith.json:

  "plugins": {
    "metalsmith-pagination": {
      "collections.articles": {
        "perPage": 5,
        "template": "index.jade",
        "first": "index.html",
        "path": "page/:num/index.html",
        "filter": "private !== true",
        "pageMetadata": {
          "title": "Archive"


Install via npm, require the module and .use the result of the function.

var pagination = require('metalsmith-pagination')

  'collections.articles': {
    perPage: 5,
    template: 'index.jade',
    first: 'index.html',
    path: 'page/:num/index.html',
    filter: function (page) {
      return !page.private
    pageMetadata: {
      title: 'Archive'


  • perPage The number of files per page (default: 10).
  • template The template metadata for metalsmith-templates.
  • layout The layout metadata for metalsmith-layouts.
  • first An optional path to use in place of the page one (E.g. Render as the homepage index.html, instead of page/1/index.html).
  • path The path to render every page under. Interpolated with the pagination object, so you can use :name, :num, :index, etc.
  • filter A string or function used to filter files in pagination.
  • pageMetadata The metadata to merge with every page.
  • noPageOne Set to true to disable rendering of page one, useful in conjunction with first (default: false).
  • pageContents Set the contents of generated pages (default: new Buffer('')). Useful for metalsmith-in-place (especially with pageMetadata).
  • groupBy Set the grouping algorithm manually (default: paginated by perPage). Useful for paginating by other factors, like year published (E.g. date.getFullYear()).

Page Metadata

The pageMetadata option is optional. The object passed as pageMetadata is merged with the metadata of every page generated. This allows you to add arbitrary metadata to every page, such as a title variable.

Template Usage

Within the template you specified, you will have access to pagination specific helpers:

  • pagination.num The current page number.
  • pagination.index The current page index (num - 1).
  • pagination.getPages(num) Get an array of num pages with the current page as centered as possible
  • pagination.name The page name from groupBy. If no groupBy was used, it is the current page number as a string.
  • pagination.files All the files to render in the current page (E.g. array of x articles).
  • pagination.pages References to every page in the collection (E.g. used to render pagination numbers).
  • pagination.next The next page, if it exists.
  • pagination.previous The previous page, if it exists.
  • pagination.first The first page, equal to pagination.pages[0].
  • pagination.last The last page, equal to pagination.pages[pagination.pages.length - 1].
