
The project applied database principles to a real-world mental health problem, emphasizing reliable data management, and showcased practical solutions to mental health challenges.

Primary LanguageJava



Mental healthcare services. For PDM course at International University - VNU

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1. The team behind it

No. Full Name Student's ID Email Github account Roles Contribution
1 Nguyen Hoang Anh Tu ITDSIU20090 ITDSIU20090@student.hcmiu.edu.vn nghganhtu TEAM LEADER Database Developer, Data Analyst 20%
2 Nguyen Quang Dieu ITDSIU20031 ITDSIU20031@student.hcmiu.edu.vn itzmealvin Interface Developer, Data Analyst 20%
3 Nguyen Luan Cong Bang ITITIU20163 ITITIU20163@student.hcmiu.edu.vn congbangitiu Interface Developer 20%
4 Pham Minh Vu ITITIU20354 ITITIU20354@student.hcmiu.edu.vn PMinhVu Interface Developer 20%
5 Huynh Tran Khanh ITCSIU21011 ITCSIU21011@student.hcmiu.edu.vn huynhtrankhanh Interface Developer 20%

2. The project we are working on

The mental healthcare service system mindfulNESS involves professional resources to promote mental healthcare and treat mental illnesses. It includes many services such as disease search, disease testing, and appointment booking with a consultant.

The project provided a valuable opportunity to apply database management principles to a real-world problem in the field of mental health. It showcased the practical application of database management principles in addressing challenges in mental health.

3. Goal

To be short, the project aims achieve these goals:

  • Design database to meet Normalization BC Normal Form requirements.

  • Connect front-end interface to back-end database using Java connection driver.

  • Develop login, account creation, and booking functions with complex queries.

  • Implement security measures to prevent SQL injection and ensure user data privacy.


1. Motivation

The global pandemic has profoundly impacted mental health, resulting in increased recognition of the importance of psychological therapy. However, accessing traditional therapy can still be challenging for many people due to factors such as long wait-lists, high costs, and the enduring stigma associated with mental health

2. Idea

To address these barriers and meet the growing demand for mental health services, online therapy platforms have emerged as a popular and accessible option. These platforms offer a wide range of mental health services. One of the critical advantages of online therapy is its flexibility, allowing individuals to schedule sessions at their convenience and receive therapy from the comfort of their homes. They also offer more affordable pricing than traditional in-person therapy, making therapy accessible to a broader audience.

Among the well-known online therapy platforms are BetterHelp, Talkspace, and Amwell. BetterHelp provides various therapy options, including live sessions, messaging, and chat support. Talkspace specializes in unlimited messaging therapy with licensed therapists. On the other hand, Amwell offers mental health services as part of its broader telehealth platform, including access to medical doctors and specialists.

3. Roadmap

  • 2 distinct roles: patient and consultant for users to choose from
  • The system allows patients to search for diseases and take health tests with real scores and solutions
  • Patients can make an appointment with a specialist if their illness is severe
  • More to come...

Please see the open issues for a full list of proposed features ( and known issues).


1. Feature Analysis

  • Login page: Require users to enter the correct credentials to log in for people who have registered for the system, sign up for first time users of the system, or explorer mode for system administrators only with a special password
  • Sign up mode: If the user presses the "SIGN UP" button, the system will ask the users to select their role and enter the correct and complete information before getting in the system
  • Patient Dashboard: When the user logs in with the patient's account, this page will appear to show all the operations related to them, including their recent healing sessions.
  • Self-diagnosis test: When the user clicks the "SELF-DIAGNOSIS TEST" button in the patient dashboard, the system will be redirected to the test page for the user to take the test. The user will choose the test set and choose the question to answer, after answering all the questions, the score and solution will appear corresponding to their mental health level
  • Booking heal: When the user clicks the "PLACE A HEALING" button in the patient dashboard, the system will be redirected to the booking page to let the user book an appointment with the specialist. The user will enter the ID of the book list and press the "PLACE A HEALING" button to confirm the healing available
  • Specialist mode: When the expert enters all the required information and presses the "POST BOOKING INFORMATION" button, the information will be displayed on the right listed booking table. If the user wants to delete the meeting, press the "DELIST HEALING" button.

2. Database Design

Please take a look at the diagrams to familiar yourself with our database design

a. ERD in SQL Server Management Studio format


b. ERD in Crowd's Foot format


c. Normalization form

Normal Form Level Description
1 NF The database does not have any multivalued tuples
2 NF All the non-key attributes depend on the primary key
3 NF There are no transitive dependencies between non-key attributes
BC NF Every non-trivial functional dependency in the database depends on a candidate key

2. Database Realization

The database creation was done by using a free hosting storage: FreeASPHosting and remotely access via SQL Server Management Studio & IntelliJ IDEA Console

At the time of the writing, the database was created using SQL Server 2016. You can recreate the database with all the information using the files provided in SQL Folder

Table Schema Data Source
Account Account Self-generated
Specialist Account Self-generated
Patient Account Self-generated
Healing Information Booking Self-generated
Result Solution Internet
Solution Solution Internet
Disease Disease Internet
Symptom Disease Internet
Test Test Internet
Question Test Internet
Answer Set Test Internet
Answer Test Internet

3. Query usage

Most queries used have the simple keywords, but each of fields that required user input are changed to question marks to shows it is parameterized (faster query, prevent SQL injection)

Purpose Query type/Return Parameterized by user input?
Login authentication Query/ userID YES
Registration Insert into YES
Display username Query/ userName NO
Change password Update YES
Disease search Query/ symptoms YES
Post healing session Insert into YES
Display available sessions Query/ healingID NO
Delete/Cancel healing sessions Remove YES
Book healing session Insert into YES
Show test, question, answer set Query/ testID NO
Show solution Query/ solutionID NO
Record patient result Insert into NO

4. Java GUI Design

We can design the frames for Graphical User Interface directly on IntelliJ IDEA GUI Designer and from then, we can drag-and-drop the elements to the JFrame created.

To initialize the frames, we will use the constructor provided with the use of the Singleton Design Pattern.

Element type Description
HSpacer, VSpacer to add spacing between the elements
JPanel to add a frame for other elements, it must be extended from our frame classes
JButton add a button with ActionListeners to perform logical code when clicking (discuss more in the later part)
JScrollPane add a frame that can be scrollable, especially for long content
JLabel to add title and instruction on the interface
JTextField, JPasswordField to receive user input on the interface;the latter is used for the password field to protect privacy
JTextArea to display the message after the query has been done
JComboBox to make a drop-down list for the user to choose from
JTable to display the query result in tabular form
JOptionPane to display the dialog for the user to interact with

5. Java Classes & Connection Design

We have the following table to show the dependence of each class on others and provide a quicker view of the methods implementations

Class Description
ConnectSQL.java manages all the databases connection and return result from the query
Main.java manages the main() function; we use this class to start the application process
frmBooking.java manages the BOOKING frame and logic for buttons inside it for reservation booking functions
frmExplorer.java manages the EXPLORER frame and logic for buttons inside it for admin query functions
frmIndex.java manages the INDEX frame and logic for buttons inside it for signup/login functions. This returns values to use in other methods as well
frmPatientDashboard.java manages the PATIENT DASHBOARD frame and logic for buttons inside it for patient users.
frmPatientSign.java manages the PATIENT SIGNUP frame and logic for buttons inside it for patient registration.
frmRoles.java manages the ROLES frame and logic for buttons inside it for the role chooser function.
frmSignDone.java manages the SIGNUP DONE frame and logic for buttons inside it to take the user back to the index frame.
frmSpecialistDashboard.java manages the SPECIALIST DASHBOARD frame and logic for buttons inside it for specialist users.
frmSpecialistSign.java manages the SPECIALIST SIGNUP frame and logic for buttons inside it for specialist registration.
frmTest.java manages the TEST frame and logic for buttons inside it for patients to take tests in the system.

Then the connection string would be like this:

import java.sql.*;

import net.proteanit.sql.DbUtils;

static final String connectionUrl=
        "jdbc:sqlserver://sql.bsite.net\\MSSQL2016;databaseName=congbang0711_;user=con gbang0711_;password=***;encrypt=true;trustServerCertificate=true;";

And also we implement some buttons. As many buttons need to be implemented, we will only show some common patterns for this button. Note that all buttons have the logic to validate user input (blank, not long enough, duplicate, etc..) and follow the SwingWorker design pattern:

Button name Action description
Log in, sign up buttons use user input (account, password) for authentication and perform the subsequent actions
Run the query, Search buttons to run the query and return the result to the interface
Place a booking, confirm registering, and Post booking information buttons to put the user input into the database
Patient, Specialist Place healing Mode, Explorer Mode, and Self-test
Mode buttons to set them according to the visible frame and dispose of the current frame
Cancel healing, and delist healing buttons for users to cancel any reservations they made
Answer A, B, C, and D buttons to show answer content and accompany the user when doing tests
Clear all button to clear all the fields after confirming dialog
Reset password button to the reset password function
Refresh button to refresh the results if the system fails to do so
Log out button to log out of the application and end that program session
Go back button to go back to the previous frame


Required software


  1. Clone the repo
    git clone https://github.com/itzmealvin/PDM_mindfulNESS_PC.git
  2. Open in a Java IDE
  3. Choose mindfulNESS.java and click RUN to start the program. Please note that this is a version for educational purpose only, so DO NOT ENTER YOUR REAL CREDENTIALS ON OUR DATABASE


Sample of the program screenshots that demo the project's current build:

  • The login portal when users' run the program
  • The menu for role choosing
Role choice
  • The searching function in action
Searching in Patient Dashboard
  • The cancel booked healing session function
Cancel Healing in Patient Dashboard
  • The self-diagnosis test portal
Take test in Patient Dashboard
  • Testing in progress
Test demo
  • The place a healing session function
Place Healing in Patient Dashboard
  • List of available healing session
Book list
  • The specialist dashboard with related features
Specialist mode

(and more screenshots hidden for you to explore yourself in our application...)


Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated.

If you have a suggestion that would make this better, please fork the repo and create a pull request. You can also simply open an issue with the tag "enhancement". Don't forget to give the project a star! Thanks again!

  1. Fork the Project
  2. Create your Feature Branch (git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature)
  3. Commit your Changes (git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature')
  4. Push to the Branch (git push origin feature/AmazingFeature)
  5. Open a Pull Request


Nguyen Hoang Anh Tu by Email HERE

Project Link: https://github.com/itzmealvin/PDM_mindfulNESS_PC


We want to express our sincerest thanks to our lecturer and the people who have helped us to achieve this project's goals:

  • Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Thi Thuy Loan
  • MSc. Nguyen Quang Phu
  • The README.md template from othneildrew