
Android Application that allows you to browse comics, series and stories from Marvel's vast library of comics—from what's coming up, to 70 years ago.


  • Android SDK API 31
  • Android grandle build tool 7.0.2
  • Google-services 4.3.10
  • Android swiperefreshlayout 1.1.0
  • Firebase 20.0.2
  • Picasso 2.71828
  • Bannerslider 2.0.0
  • Easyflipviewpager 2.0.0
  • Android Support 31.0.0
  • Java 8

Look at [build.gradle] for a full list of libraries

Basic setup

Before you start you should:

  • Download KidComic
  • Open Android Studio and import KidComic project
  • Build project (Ctrl+F9)
  • Download and install Genymotion (
  • Open virtual cell phone and wait until android studio identify virtual cell phone
  • Run project (Shift F10)


Comic View Comic List Comic Detail Comic Demo