AWS-Amplify-Flutter-Snippet FOR VSCODE


Over 40 code snippets for AWS Amplify Flutter. This extension for VSCode contains over 40 code snippets for the AWS Amplify Flutter.The code snippets are taken from the latest official documentation and cover the following topics:

  • Authentication
  • Initializing a new AWS Amplify project in Flutter
  • Analytics
  • Dependencies(YAML)
  • Storage


40+ code snippets for AWS Amplify (Flutter),which will help you speed up your development workflow.All code snippets are taken from the the official documentation.

example collection

Init project

command description
import_amplify_packages_flutter import amplify packages
init_blank_app_amplify_flutter Add the following code to your application’s root Stateful Widget, for a blank Flutter app
init_blank_app_amplify_flutter Add the Auth and Analytics plugin, along with any other plugins you may have added as described in the Prerequisites section


command description
add_all_dependencies_amplify_flutter add all necessary dependencies
add_analytics_dependencies_amplify_flutter add analytics dependencies
add_storage_dependencies_amplify_flutter add storage dependencies
add_authentication_dependencies_amplify_flutter add authentication dependencies


command description
init_analytics_amplify_flutter Add the Auth and Analytics plugin, along with any other plugins you may have added as described in the Prerequisites section
init_blank_app_amplify_flutter Add the Auth and Analytics plugin, along with any other plugins you may have added as described in the Prerequisites section
check_configuration_analytics_amplify_flutter check that the amplifyconfiguration.dart file generated in the project setup is included and sent to Amplify.configure
record_event_amplify_flutter The Amplify analytics plugin also makes it easy to record custom events within the app. The plugin handles retry logic in the event the device looses network connectivity and automatically batches requests to reduce network bandwidth
flush_auto_event_amplify_flutter Events have default configuration to flush out to the network every 30 seconds. If you would like to change this, update amplifyconfiguration.json with the value in milliseconds you would like for autoFlushEventsInterval. This configuration will flush events every 10 seconds
flush_manually_amplify_flutter manually flush
register_global_property_amplify_flutter register global properties which will be sent along with all invocations of Amplify.Analytics.recordEvent
unregister_global_property_amplify_flutter unregister a global property
disable_analytics_amplify_flutter disable analytics in amplifys
enable_analytics_amplify_flutter enable analytics in amplify
identify_user_analytics_amplify_flutter This call sends information that you have specified about a user to Amazon Pinpoint. This could be for an unauthenticated (guest) or an authenticated user.You can get the current user’s ID from the Amplify Auth category as shown below. Be sure you have it added and setup per the Auth category documentation.If you have asked for location access and received permission, you can also provide that in AnalyticsUserProfileLocation
use_resources_analytics_amplify_flutter Existing Amazon Pinpoint resources can be used with the Amplify Libraries by referencing your Application ID and Region in your amplifyconfiguration.json file


command description
init_authentication_amplify_flutter Add the Auth plugin, along with any other plugins you may have added as described in the Prerequisites section
register_user_amplify_flutter register user requires a username, password and a valid email id as parameters to register a user. Invoke the following api to initiate a sign up flow
confirm_signup_amplify_flutter A confirmation code will be sent to the email id provided during sign up. Enter the confirmation code received via email in the confirmSignUp call
signin_user_amplify_flutter sign in user UI to get the username and password from the user. After the user enters the username and password you can start the sign in flow by calling the following method
reset_password_amplify_flutter send a code to the user attribute configured to receive such a reset code (e.g. email or SMS,To complete the password reset process, invoke the confirmResetPassword api with the code you were sent and the new password you want
confirm_resetpassword_amplify_flutter invoke the confirmResetPassword api with the code you were sent and the new password you want.Note that you must call confirmResetPassword in the same app session as you call resetPassword. If you close the app, you'll need to call resetPassword again. As a result, for testing purposes, you'll at least need an input field where you can enter the code sent by the resetPassword api and feed it to confirmResetPassword
update_password_amplify_flutter A signed in user can update their password using the updatePassword api
signout_user_amplify_flutter Invoke the signOut api to sign out a user from the Auth category. You can only have one user signed in at a given time.Calling signOut without any options will just delete the local cache and keychain of the user
signout_user_all_devices_amplify_flutter sign out of all devices, invoke the signOut api with advanced options
accessing_credentials_amplify_flutter directly access the credentials,If the getAWSCredentials option is true, the result will contain AWS credentials and tokens. If it is set to false, the result will contain a simple isSignedIn flag.


command description
import_storage_packages_amplify_flutter import storage packages
init_storage_amplify_flutter initialize the Amplify Auth and Storage categories you call Amplify.addPlugin() method for each category. To complete initialization call Amplify.configure()
upload_data_to_bucket_amplify_flutter upload to S3 from a data object, specify the key and the data object to be uploaded
upload_files_to_bucket_amplify_flutter upload to S3 from a data object, specify the key and the data object to be uploaded
protected_file_access_amplify_flutter Create an options object specifying the protected access level to allow other users to read the object
read_protected_file_amplify_flutter For the user to read the protected file, you must specify the user ID of the creating user in the passed options
private_file_access_amplify_flutter Create an options object specifying the private access level to allow other users to read the object
read_private_file_amplify_flutter For the user to read the private file, you must specify the user ID of the creating user in the passed options
download_files_amplify_flutter If you uploaded the data using the key ExampleKey, you can retrieve the data using Amplify.Storage.downloadFile.
generate_download_url_amplify_flutter retrieve a URL for the object in storage
list_all_files_storage_amplify_flutter list all of the objects uploaded under a given prefix. This will list all public files
list_private_protected_files_storage_amplify_flutter list private or protected files by passing options. For example, to list all protected files owned by a user identified by the ID otherUserID
remove_files_storage_amplify_flutter To delete an object uploaded to S3, use Amplify.Storage.remove and specify the key
use_resources_storage_amplify_flutter An existing Amazon S3 bucket can be used with the Amplify Libraries by referencing it in your amplifyconfiguration.dart file.


  • Node.js v10.x or later

  • npm v5.x or later

  • git v2.14.1 or later

  • Amplify CLI

  • Install Flutter version 1.20.0 or higher

  • Setup your IDE

  • Android API level 16 (Jelly Bean) or higher

  • iOS platform version of at least 11.0. Create AWS Account

Terminal commands which are good to know

  • npm install -g @aws-amplify/cli@flutter-preview
  • amplify configure
  • amplify add analytics
  • amplify add auth
  • amplify add storage
  • amplify push
  • amplify console analytics

Known Issues

Release Notes

  • this project is created by congnguyendinh0, and is not an official product by AWS.
