
Set of basic tools to extract data from the Twitter API and visualize graphs

Primary LanguagePython


Set of basic tools to extract data from the Twitter API and visualize graphs


Recommended to clone with git, so versions are automatically updated

git clone https://github.com/congosto/t-hoarder_kit

Dependencies: tweepy

Python 2.7.12 or newer. Python 3.x not supported

Could be used as an alternative this Dropbox Virtual Machine with all software installed (The VM has a size almost 4 GB so it is recommended to install it from a high speed connection)

If VM is used, reading this use case is recommended How to use t-hoarder_kit with the Virtual Machine Includes how to analyze network relationships with gephi

Data enviroment

T-hoarder kit works on the following directory structure

 T-hoarder_kit --+-- keys (app keys and users access token for oauth authentication in the API)
                 +- scripts ( scripts in Python)
                 +--resources (Some information needed to process data)
                 +- store -+-- experiment-1 ( A directory for each experiment so the data is not mixed)
                           +-- experiment-2
                           +-- experiment-n

Assume that the access keys are in the keys directory and the results are deposited in the store/experiment directory

Execution Environments


  • It is required to include an environment variable called t-hoarder_kit_HOME with the directory where it is installed t-hoarder_kit
  • It is needed to add in the PATH environment variable the directory where the t-hoarder_kit scripts have been installed (the content of the environment variable t-hoarder_kit_HOME\scripts)
  • Open a terminal (cmd)
  • Run the command t_hoarder_kit.bat


  • Open a terminal
  • Run the command t_hoarder_kit.sh

t_hoarder_kit.bat (Windows) and t_hoarder_kit.sh (linux) provide this menu for access to python scripts.

  1. Get a user token access
  2. Get users information (profile | followers | following | relations | tweets | h_index)
  3. Make a query on Twitter
  4. Get tweets in real time
  5. Generate the declared relations graph (followers or following or both)
  6. Generate the dynamic relations graph (RT | reply | mentions)
  7. Processing tweets (sort |entities| classify| users | spread)
  8. Exit

For more information, visit the wiki

Using the python scripts from the command line the keys and the results is free to place them where you want

  tweet_auth.py [-h] keys_app user

  tweet_rest.py [-h] [--id_user] [--fast]
                 (--profile | --followers | --following | --relations | --connections | --tweets | --h_index)
                 keys_app keys_user file_users

  usage: tweet_search.py [-h] [--query QUERY] [--file_out FILE_OUT]
                   [--format FORMAT]
                   keys_app keys_user

  tweet_streaming.py [-h] [--users USERS] [--words WORDS]
                      [--locations LOCATIONS]
                      app_keys user_keys dir_out file_dest

  tweets_grafo.py [-h] [--top_size TOP_SIZE] (--RT | --mention | --reply)

  tweets_entity.py [-h] [--top_size TOP_SIZE] [--TZ TZ]
                    file_in path_experiment path_resources

  tweets_classify.py [-h] file_in file_topics path_experiment

  users_types.py [-h] file_in path_experiment

  tweets_spread.py [-h] [--top_size TOP_SIZE] [--TZ TZ]
                    file_in path_experiment

  user_klout.py [-h] file_users APIkey