How to set up

Make sure you have latest node

npm i

npm run start


I ran into several challenges during this exercise:

  1. MUI's Pagination component uses a start page of 0 instead of 1 that TMDB uses.
  2. There was a bug involved my initial debouncer that I had thought to be the problem with using async functions, which turn out to be a red herring as the real problem is the search endpoint expects a string (so we can't search for empty string, I defaulted to search for 'a').
  3. TMDB doesn't allow page > 1000 search queries, which I didn't figure out how to solve.


  • I wanted to use an infinite scroll, but decided to use MUI's Pagination component because there's a time limit.
  • I wanted to refactor the result code, but this already took me about 3.5 hours.
  • I wanted to use debounce initially b/c I was erring on the caution that my TMDB access might have a quota.
  • I decided to use await for readability
  • I decided to use router b/c I initially thought we would want to show individual movies on a separate page, which was not the case.

Future improvements

  • Infinite scroll or sparse list loading implementation as these can be more challenging and fun.
  • Zero state display
  • Figureout how to search the wildcard query instead of using a as default qurey
  • Extract the reusable portion out of the search (abstracting away the debouncer and pagination):