
The code of "Inductive Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Few-Shot Classification via Clustering", ECML-PKDD 2020.

Primary LanguagePython

Inductive Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Few-Shot Classification via Clustering

This code is for ECML-PKDD 2020 paper "Inductive Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Few-Shot Classification via Clustering".

In this paper, we introduce a model-agnostic framework, DaFeC, to improve domain adaptation performance for few-shot classification via clustering. We first build a representation extractor to derive features for unlabeled data from the target domain (no test data is necessary) and then group them with a cluster miner. The generated pseudo-labeled data and the labeled source-domain data are used as supervision to update the parameters of the few-shot classifier. In order to derive high-quality pseudo labels, we propose a Clustering Promotion Mechanism, to learn better features for the target domain via Similarity Entropy Minimization and Adversarial Distribution Alignment, which are combined with a Cosine Annealing Strategy. Experiments are performed on the FewRel 2.0 dataset. Our approach outperforms previous work with absolute gains (in classification accuracy) of 4.95%, 9.55%, 3.99% and 11.62%, respectively, under four few-shot settings.

You can find the paper here.







The training and dev dataset have been included in the ./data directory and the test set is not public. You should evaluate your models in the offical website.

Due to the large size, the pre-trained Glove files and BERT pretrain checkpoint are not included. You can download them in here.


  1. Training Representation Extractor
python train_demo.pys --save_ckpt=path_to_your_saved_model
  1. Generating pseudo-labeled data
python train_demo.py --load_ckpy=path_to_your_saved_model --cluster
  1. Training few-shot classifier (BERT-PAIR as the example)
python train_demo.py --model=pair --pair --encoder=bert --hidden_size=768 --optim=adamw --lr=2e-5 --train=train_wiki_and_pseudo_pubmed --save_ckpt=path_to_your_saved_model
  1. Evaluation Please evaluate the performance of your model in the FewRel 2.0 official website.


 author = {Cong, Xin and Yu, Bowen and Liu, Tingwen and Cui, Shiyao and  Tang, Hengzhu and Wang, Bin},
 booktitle = {Proc. of ECML-PKDD},
 title = {Inductive Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Few-Shot Classification via Clustering},
 year = {2020}

Related Repo

The dataset and baselines are adapted from FewRel.