Netzob : Protocol Reverse Engineering, Modeling and Fuzzing

Continuous integration

Code coverage

Code health





Hello, this is not the netzob official repository. This is the Netgoblin fork which includes several features which are not in Netzob for protocol reverse engineering.

Netzob is a tool that can be use to reverse engineer, model and fuzz communication protocols. It is made of two components:

  • netzob a python project that exposes all the features of netzob (except GUI) you can import in your own tool or use in CLI,
  • netzob_web a graphical interface that leverages web technologies.

Netgoblin modifiations concern netzob. Netgoblin works great with TAPIRE a Conix not open-sourced(yet) CLI made to RE protocols.

Source codes, documentations and resources are available for each component, please visit their dedicated directories.

General Information ----------------



I am always connected on Freenode's IRC channel #netzob @ my username being warsang

Authors, Contributors and Sponsors

See the top distribution file AUTHORS.txt in each component for the detailed and updated list of their authors, contributors and sponsors.


Zoby, the official mascot of Netzob.

Zoby, the official mascot of Netzob.