
Conjur plugin for a next-generation policy DSL

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

Conjur policy plugin

This is a Conjur plugin for a next-generation policy markup language, used for both policies (self contained RBAC models) and entitlements (roles and permissions which span policies and global records).

Reference docs page.

The goals of the policy language are:

  • Fully declarative
  • Human and machine readable
  • Simplified (relative to the older Ruby DSL)
  • Safe to execute in any environment

Policy supports the following high-level capabilities. Each one is idempotent (it can be run repeatedly without harmful-side effects):

  • Create / Update records, such as Role, User, and Webservice
  • Grant roles. This basic concept covers everything from group members to adding abstract roles. Grant list can be "exclusive", which revokes the role from anyone not in the list.
  • Permit priviliges on resources. Each permission ("transaction" in RBAC parlance) consists of a role, a privilege, and a resource. Permission list can also be "exclusive".

Also possible:

  • Update ownership of a record
  • Revoke roles
  • Deny privileges


Policy is available as a conjur plugin (via rubygems). You can install it with the following command:

conjur plugin install policy

Upon successful installation, running conjur help should show a toplevel policy command.

Command Line Usage

Conjur Policy accepts policies in the new YAML format, described below.

The policy command has two subcommands, load and import. The load command is used to load a policy file in one shot, or to "preview" the actions that would be taken if the policy were loaded (using the --dry-run option).

For details on the usage of this command, run conjur help policy load.

The conjur policy import command can be used to execute a plan produced by the conjur policy load --dry-run --format yaml command.


You can find many examples of the new YAML syntax in the Conjur enterprise example repo. Note that only the YAML syntax is currently supported, not the ruby DSL.

You can also find examples in the test fixtures for this project. These fixtures embed the policy in a yaml document that also describes the initial state of the Conjur server, the expected plan, and the expected execution (or in the case of a fixture that is expected to fail, the expected exception).

Functionality overview


A policy definition creates a versioned policy role and resource. The policy role is the owner of all new records contained with in it.


- !policy
  id: myapp/v1

Create and Update Records

Here's how to create two users in YAML:

- !user alice
- !user
  id: bob

The type of record that you want to create is indicated by the YAML tag. The id of the record can either be specified inline (like the first example), or as an explicit id field (like the second example).

Role members

grant is used to grant roles, which includes group membership.

An example in which alice and the ops group are the only members of the developers group.

- !grant
  role: !group developers
    - !user alice
    - !member
      role: !group ops
      admin: true
  replace: true

A member is composed of the role (or roles) being granted and the member (or members) which will get the role.

The member can be a plain role (again using the YAML tag to indicate the record type), if the role is granted without admin capability. To grant a role with admin, the role member is a structured entry composed of the role and the admin flag.

Note that when the replace feature is used, any existing role members that are not specified in the policy will be revoked. So in the example above, !user alice and !group ops will be the only members of !group developers.


Like grant is used to grant roles, permit is used to give permissions on a resource.

# developers group and the app-server layer are
# granted permission to read and execute the secret.
- !permit
  resource: !variable db-password
  privilege: [ read, execute ]
  - !group developers
  - !layer app-server
# developers is the only role which can update the secret.
- !permit
  resource: !variable db-password
  privilege: update
  role: !group developers
  replace: true

Use deny to remove a privilege without affecting the other privileges:

- !deny
  resource: !variable dev/db-password
  privilege: [ read, execute ]
  role: !layer dev/app-server


Ownership of a record (or group of records) can be assigned using the owner field:

- !variable
  id: db_password
  owner: !group developers

The owner tag will update both:

  • resource owner the role will be given ownership of the record resource.
  • role owner if the record has a corresponding role, the owner will be given the record role with admin option.

Expanded discussion of design goals

This Policy format is designed to work better within automated policy management frameworks. Using these declaractive policy files, the entire authorization model of Conjur can be managed using policies.

Whenever Conjur needs to be changed, a new policy is created or an existing policy is modified. This policy is typically managed through standard source control techniques (e.g. Git pull requests), with the security team having authority to approve and merge.

In this way, management of a Conjur system can be treated as code and leverage corresponding best pratices such as branches, pull requests, post-receive hooks, repository permissions and access rights, etc.

In addition, because the Policy format (YAML) is machine-readable, it will be straightforward to develop visual tools for editing and managing policies. Automated generation of policy files is also simple.


These are the benefits of the policy language, as imagined internally by the Conjur team:

  • Large permission changes are described in a coherent way (modification of many corresponding rules can be described in single policy)
  • The history of permission changes is more clear and easier to track. For example, it’s easy to list and view all policies which included references to particular ID, and understand how and why specific permissions were applied/revoked. With the current CLI it’s possible to only figure out the operations done on particular object, but not the bigger context (probably involving many corresponding changes on other objects) in which they were applied.
  • Policies can be formally validated before deployment
  • Policies will implement dry run mode which shows the changes that will be applied to Conjur.
  • Policies can be machine-generated:
    • It's easy to provision many similar assets at once
    • It's easy to generate and deploy policies from within configuration scripts
    • It will be possible and easy to write custom ‘access management’ services, which would allow users to modify some permissions and create assets in Conjur, but will be able to enforce additional fine-grained restrictions, such as id naming conventions, etc.
    • It will be possible and easy to write custom ‘policy builders’. After all, policy is just a data structure, which can be generated by any code.
  • Deprovisioning of users is robust, and does not violate consistency of the database
  • Export and import of permission models will be very straightforward, making it possible to implement Conjur “staging” setups.

Policy conflicts

Please note that it's pretty easy to write policies which say contradictory things. For example, Policy A might use !members to control the members of the developers group. Another Policy B might use !grant to add a specific user to the developers group. When Policy B runs, it will add the user to the group. When Policy A runs, it will revoke the user. If B is run again, the user will be re-added.

So it's usually good ensure that the members of a role and the privileges on a resource are managed by one approach or the other, but not both.


After cloning this repo, run bundle install to install dependencies, and rspec to run the specs. Note that development typically requires a properly configured Conjur appliance, although the specs should work without one.


  • Better error messages.
  • More checks, for example, conflicts and permissions.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/conjurinc/conjur-asset-policy.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.