
coordinates mining operation.

  • provide miners work with adjust difficulty and different SHA-256 coins (BTC/BCH)
  • manage communicataion with miners according to stratum protocol
  • communincate with bitcoind servers

Project dependencies

  • Redis
  • connect-workers service (provide api to workers data)
  • rabbit-mq (message broker - used for recording shares from miners)


  npm i


  • Running rabbit-mq e.g.:
  docker run -d --name rabbitmq --network="host" -e RABBITMQ_DEFAULT_VHOST=testnet -e RABBITMQ_DEFAULT_USER=guest -e RABBITMQ_DEFAULT_PASS=guest rabbitmq:3-management
  • Running bitcoind server (e.g. BCH):
  docker run --rm -it --name bitcoind zquestz/bitcoin-abc:0.18.2 bitcoind -rpcuser=test -rpcpassword=1234 -testnet
  • Running redis:
docker run --name some-redis -d redis


This project can run using Docker, in order to run the project just from root project run:

  docker build . -t coordinator
  docker run --network="host" coordinator

or using node.js environment with:

  npm start


coordinator uses winston as an underlying framework to handle logs

Log messages structure

coordinator supports the following log messages:

  • submit_new - sent whenever a new share received from one of the connected miners structure: 2018-04-17T09:31:17.138Z - info:
    • type submit_new
    • ip (ip | remote_ip - miner’s ip)
    • create (timestamp | share created time)
    • sId (string | session id)
    • time (timestamp | share created time)
    • nonce (string | share's nonce)
    • ntime (timestamp | nonce timestamp)
    • en1 (string | extra nonce 1)
    • en2 (string | extra nonce 2)
    • diff (integer | share's difficulty)
    • wId (string | worker id)
    • wName (string | worker name)
    • uName (string | user name)
    • hash (string | share's hash)
    • tId (string | template id)
    • height (integer | share's block height)
    • jId (string | job id)
    • coin (string | coin type e.g. btc\bch)
    • cId (string | connection id)
    • pId (string | process id)
    • mId (string | machine id)


Thanks for the following people helped building this project:

Ofer ben-zvi
Tal Weinfeld
Eliran Zach
Robert Ferentz
Adi biton
Yuval Heftman
