Provides an API to manage bank accounts.
Note: For a real environment Guava EventBus must be replaced with some message broker to provide resilience.
- Insert account
- Find all accounts
- Delete account
- Transfer money between accounts
When a transfer is requested, the API validates received input and if everything is valid, proceed with the operation.
The operation executes the following steps:
- Subtract informed amount on the payment account
- Start a Payment Movement to keep history of this transaction, with status PROCESSING
- Try
- Add informed amount on the receiver account
- Create a Receipt Movement to keep history of this transaction, with status COMPLETED
- Finalizes the Payment Movement created before, with status COMPLETED
- If something goes wrong
- Revert informed amount subtraction on the payment account
- Finalizes the Payment Movement created before, with status ABORTED
To compile and generate an executable jar for this application, inside the project directory:
Execute: mvn clean package
To run this application, after generate the executable jar
Execute: java -jar target/account-service.jar
A Postman collection was made available to facilitate the tests experience.
- Java 12
- Javalin
- Jdbi
- Flyway
- Guava
- H2
- Add transactions to sensitive operations
- Refactor
to validate anAccount
instead of anAccountInsertInputModel
- Create an exception handler to return human-readable messages on errors