
My First Web Profile

Primary LanguageJavaScript

My fortpolio

This web page is my first web page using html and css. This page is shown 5 pages such as about,skills,education,...etc. The home page is shown my image and my social medias links. alt text The home page is like that.

The about page is shown full details about me and Use Users who visit my webpage can give me a feedback/Message from massage boxes. alt text

Other pages show my educational qualifications,skills and created projects alt text alt text alt text

The last image shows My completed projects and css Assignments.

The sitemap,wireframe and mockup links are here.

sitemap : https://www.gloomaps.com/VoQlfwkjK4
wireframe : https://wireframe.cc/c3obUD
mockup : https://www.figma.com/file/Mr1Mka1BNNVO0lRCd9EjIW/Untitled?node-id=0%3A1
ooowebHostUrl : https://kawshithafdo.000webhostapp.com/
githubpagesUrl : https://kawshithafdo.github.io/MyProfile/