Ubuntu 20.04 or Later
Ubuntu 16-18 and Debian may support, not tested.
CentOs not surpported
Run from root
- Fetures
1.1 Install binaries from shadowsocks-rust and v2ray-plugin.
1.2 Create a service for management ssserver.
1.3 Enable tcp-bbr.
1.4 Install rng-tools for better random number gen.
1.5 Add a shedule for automatic update for shadowsocks-rust and v2ray-plugin from github releases.
- Install
chmod +x
./ install
- Uinstall
./ uninstall
- Usage
4.1 Edit config
Edit default.json in /etc/init.d/shadowsocks-rust_server, or create one or more .json file(s) in the folder.
4.2 Service control
service shadowsocks-rust_server start|stop|restart|status
4.3 Edit update shedule
crontab -e
1."service shadowsocks-rust_server restart" must be run to valid new json config file.
2.Some things installed or added while install won't be removed, such as basic packages, bbr and rng-tools. You can remove them by yourself.
3.Your machine may reboot when install. Just re-run " install" after reboot.