neuPrint Container Management

Docker containers and configuration files for deploying neuPrint web application with the DevOps concept of Infrastructure as Code (IaC).

Setup environment

Place .env file with environment variables in directory of launching docker-compose.

vim .env

Add database password to initialize neo4j with,


Place configuration files in the expected locations so the container can mount them.

  • create directory to store neo4j files
mkdir -p /data/db/neo4j/neuprint
  • neuprinthttp config.json
    • example found in neuprinthttp/config/config.json
  • neuprinthttp authorized.json
    • example found in neuprinthttp/auth/authorized.json
    • this is not used unless the "auth-file" key is present in config.json
  • nginx cert files

Build the Images

docker build --build-arg EXPLORER_TAG=<neuprintexplorer_repo_tag> --build-arg NEUPRINT_TAG=<neuprint_repo_tag> . -t <registry>/neuprinthttp:<version>
  • if the repo_tags are not specified the master branch will be used.
  • if the registry and version numbers do not match the ones specified in the docker-compose.yml, change them there as well.

Push the Images to the Registry

docker push <registry>/neuprinthttp:<version>

For multiplatform images

  • combine the build and the push into one step
docker buildx build --platform linux/amd64,linux/arm64 --build-arg EXPLORER_TAG=<neuprintexplorer_repo_tag> --build-arg NEUPRINT_TAG=<neuprint_repo_tag> -t <registry>/neuprinthttp:<version> --push .
  • the --platform argument specifies which platforms to build for
  • the --push makes sure that the images are pushed to the registry with the correct manifest list.

Deploy Container Stack

sudo docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose-prod.yml up -d

Testing the Stack in dev Environment

sudo docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.override.yml up -d
  • an example of the override yaml can be found in the template directory. Check the mount locations to identify where to place your local configuration files.