
Range of PC (Probability of Conectivity)

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Dear Dr. Oscar and Dr. Camilo,

I have noticed that the overall PC does not range from 0-1 as expected according to the Conefor manual. What am I doing wrong?

To exemplify, I used the example of the package. Please see below.

data("vegetation_patches", package = "Makurhini")
nrow(vegetation_patches) # Number of patches
[1] 142

PC <- MK_dPCIIC(nodes = vegetation_patches, attribute = NULL,

  •              distance = list(type = "centroid"),
  •              metric = "PC",
  •              overall=T,
  •              onlyoverall = T,
  •              distance_thresholds = 10000) #10 km

Index Value
1: PCnum 2.024674e+11
2: EC(PC) 4.499638e+05

[1] 449963.8

Best regards!

Dear Dr. André Luis Regolin,

An apology for the delay in reply. Yes, the metric is EC (PC) or Equivalent Connected (0-sum of node attributes) which when is estimated using areas is called Equivalent Connected Area, ECA. The PC metric (0-1) appears as a result when additionally using the LA or Maximum landscape attribute argument. Example:

data("vegetation_patches", package = "Makurhini")
nrow(vegetation_patches) # Number of patches

If we use the area of the state of Chiapas where the vegetation patches are located

7.3311e+10 m2

#Two distance threshold,
PC <- MK_dPCIIC(nodes = vegetation_patches, attribute = NULL,
area_unit = "m2",
distance = list(type = "centroid"),
LA = 7.3311e+10,
overall = T,
onlyoverall = T,
metric = "PC", distance_thresholds = 10000) #1:10 km

Index Value

#1: PCnum 2.024576e+19
#2: EC(PC) 4.499529e+09
#3: PC 3.767001e-03

Best regarts!