Azure Mini Project: End-to-end ETL

In this mini-project, you will deploy an end-to-end Azure ETL solution using a wide range of Azure technologies. Along the way, you'll see how powerful Azure's offerings are when working with business applications. At the end of the project, you will be asked to upload the following deliverables to GitHub and share the link below:

A written document that includes your reflections to the questions below. Submit it to your mentor and discuss during your weekly call lab:

  1. Why should one use Azure Key Vault when working in the Azure environment? What are the alternatives to using Azure Key Vault? What are the pros and cons of using Azure Key Vault?
  2. How do you achieve the loop functionality within an Azure Data Factory pipeline? Why would you need to use this functionality in a data pipeline?
  3. What are expressions in Azure Data Factory? How are they helpful when designing a data pipeline (please explain with an example)?
  4. What are the pros and cons of parametrizing a dataset in Azure Data Factory pipeline’s activity?
  5. What are the different supported file formats and compression codecs in Azure Data Factory? When will you use a Parquet file over an ORC file? Why would you choose an AVRO file format over a Parquet file format?

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