
Run Tor onion services on Kubernetes (actively maintained)

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


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Tor-controller let you define Tor instances in your k8s using a set of provided custom manifests (tor, onion, onionha).

Compatible architectures: amd64, arm64, arm

Usage examples:

  • Deploy a Tor daemon that listen for socks connections so you can let your k8s applications fetch resources through the Tor network.
  • Run a bridge, relay or exit node
  • Expose your k8s service in Tor network as onion service.
    • If you want HA you can expose it with an onion balancer (allowing you to run up to 10 onion virtual services behind a single .onion address)
    • Enable metrics and visualize them via prometheus/grafana

NOTE: This project started as an exercise to update kragniz's https://github.com/kragniz/. This version is a complete reimplementation.

Quick start

$ helm repo add bugfest https://bugfest.github.io/tor-controller

$ helm repo update

$ helm upgrade \
  --install \
  --create-namespace \
  --namespace tor-controller \
  tor-controller \

Check install section bellow for more information.

Table of Contents


  • (v0.0.0) Go updated to 1.17
  • (v0.0.0) Code ported to kubebuilder version 3
  • (v0.0.0) Domain updated moved from tor.k8s.io (protected) to k8s.torproject.org (see kubernetes/enhancements#1111)
  • (v0.0.0) Added OnionBalancedService type
  • (v0.0.0) New OnionService version v1alpha2
  • (v0.0.0) Migrate clientset code to controller-runtime
  • (v0.3.1) Helm chart
  • (v0.3.2) MultiArch images. Supported architectures: amd64, arm, arm64
  • (v0.4.0) Implement OnionBalancedService resource (HA Onion Services)
  • (v0.5.0) Tor & OnionBalance metric exporters. Prometheus ServiceMonitor integration
  • (v0.5.1) Bring your own secret key
  • (v0.6.0) Support specifying PodSpec properties on the OnionService/OnionBalancer pods
  • (v0.6.1) Tor instance CRD supporting custom config and Client/Server/Metrics/Control ports
  • (v0.7.0) Added Onion Service's authorized clients support

Changelog: CHANGELOG

Roadmap / TODO

  • Tor daemon management via socket (e.g: config reload)
  • Manage Tor Server fingerpting (ed25519_master_id_secret_key, secret_id_key) and automatic family and nikname management
  • Tor relays:
    • Non exit: Bridge, Snowflake, Middle/Guard
    • Exit relay: Tor Exit
  • Tor-Istio plugin/extension to route pod egress traffic thru Tor
  • Automated Vanguards Tor Addon deploy/setup


Using helm (recommended):

$ helm repo add bugfest https://bugfest.github.io/tor-controller
$ helm repo update
$ helm upgrade --install \
  --create-namespace --namespace tor-controller \
  tor-controller bugfest/tor-controller

Install tor-controller directly using the manifest:

$ kubectl apply -f hack/install.yaml


Name Shortnames Api Version Namespaced Kind
tors tor tor.k8s.torproject.org/v1alpha2 true Tor
onionservices onion,os tor.k8s.torproject.org/v1alpha2 true OnionService
onionbalancedservices onionha,oha,obs tor.k8s.torproject.org/v1alpha2 true OnionBalancedService
projectconfigs config.k8s.torproject.org/v2 true ProjectConfig

Tor: Tor instance you can use to route traffic to/thru Tor network

OnionService: Exposes a set of k8s services using as a Tor Hidden Service. By default it generates a random .onion adress

OnionBalancedService: Exposes a set of k8s services using Onionbalance. It creates multiple backends providing some sort of HA. Users connect to the OnionBalancedService address and the requests are managed by one of the registered backends.

How to

Some examples you can use to start using tor-controller in your cluster

Quickstart with random onion address

Create some deployment to test against, in this example we'll deploy an echoserver. You can find the definition at hack/sample/echoserver.yaml:

Apply it:

$ kubectl apply -f hack/sample/echoserver.yaml

For a fixed address, we need a private key. This should be kept safe, since someone can impersonate your onion service if it is leaked. Tor-Controller will generate an Onion v3 key-pair for you (stored as a secret), unless it already exists

Create an onion service, hack/sample/onionservice.yaml, referencing an existing private key is optional:

apiVersion: tor.k8s.torproject.org/v1alpha2
kind: OnionService
  name: example-onion-service
  version: 3
    - port:
        number: 80
          name: http-app
            number: 8080

Apply it:

$ kubectl apply -f hack/sample/onionservice.yaml

List active OnionServices:

$ kubectl get onionservices
NAME                    HOSTNAME                                                         TARGETCLUSTERIP   AGE
example-onion-service   cfoj4552cvq7fbge6k22qmkun3jl37oz273hndr7ktvoahnqg5kdnzqd.onion      1m

Note: you can also the alias onion or os to interact with these resources. Example: kubectl get onion

This service should now be accessable from any tor client, for example Tor Browser:

Onion service versions

The spec.version field specifies which onion protocol to use. Only v3 is supported.

tor-controller defaults to using v3 if spec.version is not specified.

Random service names

If spec.privateKeySecret is not specified, tor-controller will start a service with a random name. The key-pair is stored in the same namespace as the tor-daemon, with the name ONIONSERVICENAME-tor-secret

The created secret has the following format:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
type: tor.k8s.torproject.org/onion-v3
  name: example-tor-secret
  onionAddress: ZWxqZGU2a...
  privateKey: oMLf2tSS2...
  privateKeyFile: PT0gZW...
  publicKey: ItIyeT+kH...
  publicKeyFile: PT0gZWQyNT...

Bring your own secret

Set spec.privateKeySecret.name to specify an existing secret. If you don't set spec.privateKeySecret.key, the controller expects it to have the following keys:

  • onionAddress (corresponds to is the hostname file usually created by Tor)
  • privateKeyFile (corresponds to hs_ed25519_secret_key file in v3 onion addresses or private_key in v2 ones)
  • publicKeyFile (corresponds to hs_ed25519_public_key file in v3 onion addresses or public_key in v2 ones)

You can create such a secret with the following command:

$ kubectl create secret generic my-full-onion-secret \
  --from-file=privateKeyFile=hs_ed25519_secret_key \
  --from-file=publicKeyFile=hs_ed25519_public_key \

Onion Service example referencing a Secret only by name:

apiVersion: tor.k8s.torproject.org/v1alpha2
kind: OnionService
  name: example-onion-service
    name: my-full-onion-secret

If you set spec.privateKeySecret.key, the controller expects it to point to a valid hs_ed25519_secret_key content.

Secret example:

$ kubectl create secret generic my-private-onion-secret \

Onion Service example referencing a Secret only by name:

apiVersion: tor.k8s.torproject.org/v1alpha2
kind: OnionService
  name: example-onion-service
    name: my-private-onion-secret
    key: mykeyname

Enable Onion Service protection with Authorization Clients

(Available since v0.7.0)

Use spec.authorizedClients to set a list of references to secrets objects containing valid authentication credentials:

apiVersion: tor.k8s.torproject.org/v1alpha2
kind: OnionService
  name: example-onion-service
  - name: my-authorized-client-secret

A valid secret that can be used for this purpose has the following format:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: my-authorized-client-secret
  publicKey: ...
  # authKey: ...

Where publicKey is a x25519 public key encoded in base32 (<base32-encoded-public-key>).

Alternatively, you can set authKey instead with the long form <auth-type>:<key-type>:<base32-encoded-public-key>, where <auth-type> is: descriptor and <key-type> is: x25519.

A more complete example can be found at hack/sample/onionservice-authorizedclients.yaml.

Check https://community.torproject.org/onion-services/advanced/client-auth/ to learn how to create valid key pairs for client authorization.

Specify Pod Template Settings

The spec.template field can be used to specify properties for the running tor-service pods. Use spec.template.resources to specify the compute resources required by the tor containers that will be created.

apiVersion: tor.k8s.torproject.org/v1alpha2
kind: OnionService
  name: example-onion-service
        some-special-anotation: my-value
      # nodeSelector:
      # affinity:
      # schedulerName:
      # tolerations:
      # priorityClassName:
      # runtimeClassName:
      # topologySpreadConstraints:
        cpu: 500m
        memory: 128Mi
Template Property Description
metadata.annotations Add pod Annotations.
metadata.labels Add pod Labels. NOTE: tor-controller automatically adds the labels app and controller, so you should not set these labels
spec.nodeSelector Set specific Node Selectors for the pod.
spec.affinity Add pod or node affinity rules here.
spec.schedulerName Select a specific scheduler to be used for service pods
spec.tolerations Add tolerations to the pods.
spec.runtimeClassName Set the pods Runtime Class.
spec.priorityClassName Set the pods Priority Class
spec.resources Set Resource Requirements for the running containers.
spec.topologySpreadConstraints Add Topology Spread Constraints.
resources Set Resource Requirements for the running containers.

OnionBalancedService Pod Template

In addition to creating backend OnionServices, a OnionBalancedService also creates a deployment that runs the Onion Balancer. To modify the pod settings for the balancer service, you can specify the a balancerTemplate property in the OnionBalancedServie spec.

apiVersion: tor.k8s.torproject.org/v1alpha2
kind: OnionBalancedService
  name: example-onion-service
      # nodeSelector:
      # affinity:
      # schedulerName:
      # tolerations:
      # priorityClassName:
      # runtimeClassName:

Additionally, the Onion Balancer pod contains two separate containers, which can each have their resource requirements set via spec.balancerTemplate.torResources and spec.balancerTemplate.balancerResources.

apiVersion: tor.k8s.torproject.org/v1alpha2
kind: OnionBalancedService
  name: example-onion-service
        cpu: 500m
        memory: 128Mi
        cpu: 500m
        memory: 128Mi

Using with nginx-ingress

tor-controller on its own simply directs TCP traffic to a backend service. If you want to serve HTTP stuff, you'll probably want to pair it with nginx-ingress or some other ingress controller.

To do this, first install nginx-ingress normally. Then point an onion service to yor nginx-ingress' controller (find it with kubectl get svc), for example:

apiVersion: tor.k8s.torproject.org/v1alpha2
kind: OnionService
  name: ingress-example-onion-service
  version: 3
    - port:
        number: 80
          # This name will depend on your ingress installation
          # For example, for nginx's ingress installation using helm
          # the name template is [release-name]-nginx-ingress
          # I used this commands:
          # $ helm repo add nginx-stable https://helm.nginx.com/stable
          # $ helm install nginx-ingress nginx-stable/nginx-ingress
          name: nginx-ingress-nginx-ingress
            number: 80

This can then be used in the same way any other ingress is. You can find a full example, with a default backend at hack/sample/full-example.yaml

HA Onionbalance Hidden Services

(Available since v0.4.0)

Create an onion balanced service, e.g: hack/sample/onionbalancedservice.yaml. spec.replicas is the number of backends that will be deployed. An additional onionbalance pod will be created to act as frontend. The spec.template.spec follows the definition of OnionService type.

apiVersion: tor.k8s.torproject.org/v1alpha2
kind: OnionBalancedService
  name: example-onionbalanced-service
  replicas: 2

Apply it:

$ kubectl apply -f hack/sample/onionbalancedservice.yaml

List the frontend onion:

$ kubectl get onionha
NAME                            HOSTNAME                                                         REPLICAS   AGE
example-onionbalanced-service   gyqyiovslcdv3dawfjpewit4vrobf2r4mcmirxqhwrvviv3wd7zn6sqd.onion   2          1m

List the backends:

$ kubectl get onion
NAME                                  HOSTNAME                                                         TARGETCLUSTERIP   AGE
example-onionbalanced-service-obb-1   dpyjx4jv7apmaxy6fl5kbwwhr7sfxmowfi7nydyyuz6npjksmzycimyd.onion      1m
example-onionbalanced-service-obb-2   4r4n25aewayyupxby34bckljr5rn7j4xynagvqqgde5xehe4ls7s5qqd.onion      1m

Note: you can also the alias onionha or obs to interact with OnionBalancedServices resources. Example: kubectl get onionha

Tor Instances

(Available since v0.6.1)

Create a Tor instance, e.g: hack/sample/tor.yaml.

apiVersion: tor.k8s.torproject.org/v1alpha2
kind: Tor
  name: example-tor-instance
# spec:
#   ...

Apply it:

$ kubectl apply -f hack/sample/tor.yaml

List the tor instances:

$ kubectl get tor
NAME                          AGE
example-tor-instance          45m

Use it with socks via service:

$ kubectl run -ti curl --image=curlimages/curl:latest --restart=Never --rm -- -v -x socks://example-tor-instance-tor-svc:9050 ipinfo.io/ip
If you don't see a command prompt, try pressing enter.
* SOCKS4 request granted.
* Connected to example-tor-instance-tor-svc ( port 9050 (#0)
> GET /ip HTTP/1.1
> Host: ipinfo.io
* Connection #0 to host example-tor-instance-tor-svc left intact

Other examples:

  • Use spec.config to add your customized configuration (Example: hack/sample/tor-custom-config.yaml).

  • Set spec.control.enable to true to enable Tor's control port. If you don't set spec.control.secret or spec.control.secretRef a random password will be set and stored in a secret object. Example: hack/sample/tor-custom-config.yaml. In this example, the generated password can be retrieved with:

 echo $(kubectl get secret/example-tor-instance-full-tor-secret -o jsonpath='{.data.control}' | base64 -d)

Service Monitors

You can get Service Monitors created automatically for Tor, OnionService and OnionBalancedService objects setting serviceMonitor to true. It will be used by prometheus to scrape metrics.



Tor is an anonymity network that provides:

  • privacy
  • enhanced tamperproofing
  • freedom from network surveillance
  • NAT traversal

tor-controller allows you to create OnionService resources in kubernetes. These services are used similarly to standard kubernetes services, but they only serve traffic on the tor network (available on .onion addresses).

See this page for more information about onion services.

HA Hidden Services are implemented by OnionBalance. Implements round-robin like load balancing on top of Tor onion services. A typical Onionbalance deployment will incorporate one frontend servers and multiple backend instances.` https://onionbalance.readthedocs.io/en/latest/v3/tutorial-v3.html

How it works

tor-controller creates the following resources for each OnionService:

  • tor pod, which contains a tor daemon to serve incoming traffic from the tor network, and a management process that watches the kubernetes API and generates tor config, signaling the tor daemon when it changes
  • rbac rules


Name Type URL Comment
helm release helm https://bugfest.github.io/tor-controller
tor-controller image https://quay.io/repository/bugfest/tor-controller
tor-daemon image https://quay.io/repository/bugfest/tor-daemon Build requires bugfest/tor
tor-daemon-manager image https://quay.io/repository/bugfest/tor-daemon-manager Build requires bugfest/tor
tor-onionbalance-manager image https://quay.io/repository/bugfest/tor-onionbalance-manager
tor image https://quay.io/repository/bugfest/tor



Helm Chart version Tor-Controller version Tor daemon
0.1.0 0.3.1
0.1.1 0.3.2
0.1.2 0.4.0
0.1.3 0.5.0
0.1.4 0.5.1
0.1.5 0.6.0
0.1.6 0.6.1
0.1.7 0.7.0




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