
The SWETransform library is intended to be used in multiple services - anywhere that data needs to be transformed between XML versions of the SWE standards and JSON versions. Additional domain-specific transformations may be added in the future as needed.

The XML to JSON transformations follow the OGC best practices as documented in the best practices white paper from the OGC:

Project Structure

This library is built as a standard Java jar file with slf4j logging API included but no logging implementations. All the dependencies are included in the uberjar that is created as part of a mvn clean install.

This version of the library utilizes JAXB to unmarshal XML input into Java objects. These objects are then traversed to generate the corresponding JSON. In the future, this might be changed to utilize a SAX/STAX parser and transform the XML on the fly during parsing.


There is no real configuration for this library. It is expected that you will include this as a dependency in your project and just call the appropriate methods. In order to get logging working properly in your project, you just need to have a configuration file for a logging backend that slf4j will find and utilize.


The uberjar created by this project includes all the dependencies needed to work properly. This includes:

  • jaxb-api
  • jackson-databind
  • jackson-dataformat-xml
  • json-simple
  • ogc schema files
    • om-v_2_0
    • sensorML-v_1_0_1
    • sos-v_2_0
    • sweCommon-v_2_0
    • samplingSpatial-v_2_0
  • slf4j-api
  • jaxb-runtime


To build the library from the parent directory:

mvn clean install

This will create 2 jar files in the target directory. The jar file names are:

  • SWEXmlParser-1.0-SNAPSHOT-shaded.jar
  • SWEXmlParser-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar

The shaded jar contains all the required dependencies for the transformers to work. The non-shaded jar only containes the actual class files from this project (no dependencies).


The library consists of an interface (SWETransform) containing static methods to invoke in order to transform data from XML format to JSON. Currently, only the InsertSensorTransformer is implemented. Others will be added in time.

InsertSensorTransformer has three signatures that can be used - taking as input:

  • String
  • File
  • InputStream

The signatures of those methods are as follows:

public static String insertSensorToJSON(String xml) throws IllegalArgumentException 
public static String insertSensorToJSON(File xmlFile) throws IllegalArgumentException
public static String insertSensorToJSON(InputStream is) throws IllegalArgumentException


The lone unit test that just runs a sample InsertObservation request through the transformer provides an indication of how to use the library. You can basically call one of the above functions with your XML InsertSensor request, and it will return the JSON equivalent.

Command Line Usage

A main method is included in the library so that you can use the library from the command line. With this you can convert files on the fly that exist on your filesystem. An example of this using the trailcam.xml file included in the test/resources directory would look like the following:

java -jar target/SWEXmlParser-1.0-SNAPSHOT-shaded.jar  src/test/resources/trailcam.xml

Because there is no logging backend configured in the library, some debug messages are output to the console when you run this way - the output looks like:

SLF4J: Failed to load class "org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder".
SLF4J: Defaulting to no-operation (NOP) logger implementation
SLF4J: See http://www.slf4j.org/codes.html#StaticLoggerBinder for further details.
{"observableProperty":"urn:gsw:def:phenomenon:radiance\n\t","metadata":{"observationType":"http:\/\/www.opengis.net\/def\/observationType\/OGC-OM\/2.0\/OM_ComplexObservation","featureOfInterestType":"http:\/\/www.opengis.net\/def\/samplingFeatureType\/OGC-OM\/2.0\/SF_SamplingPoint","type":"SosInsertionMetadata"},"procedureDescription":{"characteristics":{"field":[{"uom":{"href":"urn:ogc:def:uom:OGC:1.0:ampHours"},"name":"Battery Amp-hours remaining","type":"Quantity","value":3.6},{"name":"Sensor State","type":"Text","value":"A"},{"name":"Sensor String","type":"Text","value":"Trailcam"},{"name":"Inbound Channel","type":"Text","value":"0001"},{"name":"Device ID","type":"Text","value":"000001"},{"name":"Plan Name","type":"Text","value":"Capture Bigfoot"},{"name":"Plan Owner","type":"Text","value":"Willey Ohioman"},{"name":"Comments","type":"Text","value":"Willey Ohioman"},{"name":"Symbol String","type":"Text","value":"SFGPES------US-"}],"type":"DataRecord"},"identification":{"identifier":[{"name":"uniqueID","definition":"urn:ogc:def:identifierType:OGC:uniqueID","type":"Term","value":"urn:ogc:object:Sensor:Trailcam"},{"name":"uniqueID","definition":"urn:ogc:def:identifier:OGC:1.0:uniqueID","type":"Term","value":"urn:ogc:object:Sensor:Trailcam"},{"name":"longName","definition":"urn:ogc:def:identifier:OGC:1.0:longName","type":"Term","value":"Super Secret Trailcam"},{"name":"shortName","definition":"urn:ogc:def:identifier:OGC:1.0:shortName","type":"Term","value":"Trailcam"}],"type":"IdentifierList"},"keywords":{"type":"KeywordList","keyword":["Trailcam","unattended","ground","sensors","ugs"]},"member":{"outputs":{"output":[{"name":"Message Type","type":"Text","value":""},{"name":"Channel","type":"Text","value":""},{"name":"Detail","type":"Text","value":""},{"name":"Image","type":"Text","value":""}],"type":"OutputList"},"name":"Trailcam","description":"An unattended ground\n\t\t\t\t\t\tsensor with sophisticaed image recognition capabilities that only\n\t\t\t\t\t\ttakes pictures of bigfoot","location":{"srsName":"EPSG:4979","srsDimension":"3","pos":"39.69427 -84.10164 0.0","id":"sensorLocation","type":"Point"},"type":"Component","sweName":"name"},"validTime":{"timePosition":{"value":"2020-01-01T00:00:01Z","indeterminatePosition":"after"},"type":"TimeInstant"},"type":"SensorML"},"procedureDescriptionFormat":"http:\/\/www.opengis.net\/sensorML\/1.0.1\n\t","type":"InsertSensor"}

If you wanted to get clean output from the command and pipe it through jq to pretty print it, you could add the nop slf4j logging implementation to the classpath. You can't add an additional jar to the classpath using the -jar notation, so you have to use the -cp notation (and provide the name of the class with the main method). Assuming you download the slf4j nop jar file into your current directory, the command to pretty-print the sample and its output looks like the following:

java -cp ./slf4j-nop-1.7.32.jar:target/SWEXmlParser-1.0-SNAPSHOT-shaded.jar \
     mil.dia.swe.SWETransform src/test/resources/trailcam.xml | jq .
  "observableProperty": "urn:gsw:def:phenomenon:radiance\n\t",
  "metadata": {
    "observationType": "http://www.opengis.net/def/observationType/OGC-OM/2.0/OM_ComplexObservation",
    "featureOfInterestType": "http://www.opengis.net/def/samplingFeatureType/OGC-OM/2.0/SF_SamplingPoint",
    "type": "SosInsertionMetadata"
  "procedureDescription": {
    "characteristics": {
      "field": [
          "uom": {
            "href": "urn:ogc:def:uom:OGC:1.0:ampHours"
          "name": "Battery Amp-hours remaining",
          "type": "Quantity",
          "value": 3.6
          "name": "Sensor State",
          "type": "Text",
          "value": "A"
          "name": "Sensor String",
          "type": "Text",
          "value": "Trailcam"
          "name": "Inbound Channel",
          "type": "Text",
          "value": "0001"
          "name": "Device ID",
          "type": "Text",
          "value": "000001"
          "name": "Plan Name",
          "type": "Text",
          "value": "Capture Bigfoot"
          "name": "Plan Owner",
          "type": "Text",
          "value": "Willey Ohioman"
          "name": "Comments",
          "type": "Text",
          "value": "Willey Ohioman"
          "name": "Symbol String",
          "type": "Text",
          "value": "SFGPES------US-"
      "type": "DataRecord"
    "identification": {
      "identifier": [
          "name": "uniqueID",
          "definition": "urn:ogc:def:identifierType:OGC:uniqueID",
          "type": "Term",
          "value": "urn:ogc:object:Sensor:Trailcam"
          "name": "uniqueID",
          "definition": "urn:ogc:def:identifier:OGC:1.0:uniqueID",
          "type": "Term",
          "value": "urn:ogc:object:Sensor:Trailcam"
          "name": "longName",
          "definition": "urn:ogc:def:identifier:OGC:1.0:longName",
          "type": "Term",
          "value": "Super Secret Trailcam"
          "name": "shortName",
          "definition": "urn:ogc:def:identifier:OGC:1.0:shortName",
          "type": "Term",
          "value": "Trailcam"
      "type": "IdentifierList"
    "keywords": {
      "type": "KeywordList",
      "keyword": [
    "member": {
      "outputs": {
        "output": [
            "name": "Message Type",
            "type": "Text",
            "value": ""
            "name": "Channel",
            "type": "Text",
            "value": ""
            "name": "Detail",
            "type": "Text",
            "value": ""
            "name": "Image",
            "type": "Text",
            "value": ""
        "type": "OutputList"
      "name": "Trailcam",
      "description": "An unattended ground\n\t\t\t\t\t\tsensor with sophisticaed image recognition capabilities that only\n\t\t\t\t\t\ttakes pictures of bigfoot",
      "location": {
        "srsName": "EPSG:4979",
        "srsDimension": "3",
        "pos": "39.69427 -84.10164 0.0",
        "id": "sensorLocation",
        "type": "Point"
      "type": "Component",
      "sweName": "name"
    "validTime": {
      "timePosition": {
        "value": "2020-01-01T00:00:01Z",
        "indeterminatePosition": "after"
      "type": "TimeInstant"
    "type": "SensorML"
  "procedureDescriptionFormat": "http://www.opengis.net/sensorML/1.0.1\n\t",
  "type": "InsertSensor"


  • Fix the ordering to the recommended ordering by the best practices and the XML schemas
  • Include all the options for the abstract classes - only the ones in the sample files were included
  • Consider switching to a streaming parser and converting on the fly based on the rulesets
  • Write actual unit tests
  • Add the other SOS/SWE XML formats (InsertObservation, DescribeSensor) and the corresponding responses