ELEGANT - a tool to Effectively LocatE fraGmentAtion-iNduced compaTibility issues.

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT



ELEGANT is a tool to effectively locate fragmentation-induced compatibility issues. A self-implementation of FicFinder.


ELEGANT and ele-cli

By default, we refer ELEGANT as a library, but we also provide a command line tool for convenience, i.e. ele-cli. Both released as an uber-jar.

Build (for command line users)

step 1: clone or download

$ git clone https://github.com/Leetsong/ELEGANT.git

step2: build with maven

ELEGANT is released by default as a uber-jar, because we modified codes of soot-infoflow-android.

$ mvn package

You will find the uber-jar ELEGANT.jar and ele-cli.jar respectively in the elegant/target folder and ele-cli/target folder. If you insist use ELEGANT not by an uber-jar, the jar file prefixed with original- is it (the dependencies, either modified or not, are installed ahead of time to the m2 directory, you can find them in it).

If you just want to compile and get the built package, then you are done can skip step3.

But once you want to run it, you must enter into step3.

step3: download dbs

Move the jar file to any place that you like, and enter that folder, then enter the following commands to download ELEGANT-dbs, the databases (or datasets, resources) ELEGANT and ele-cli needs.

$ git clone https://github.com/Leetsong/ELEGANT-dbs.git dbs
$ cd dbs && rm -rf .git && cd ..

Then you can use it.

Build (for IntelliJ IDEA users)

step 1: clone or download

$ git clone https://github.com/Leetsong/ELEGANT.git

step2: download dbs

Move to ELEGANT/ele-cli folder, download ELEGANT-dbs.

$ git clone https://github.com/Leetsong/ELEGANT-dbs.git dbs
$ cd dbs && rm -rf .git && cd ..

step3: import to IntelliJ IDEA

Open IntelliJ IDEA, and click Import Project and choose the downloaded ELEGANT folder.

Choose import project from external model and choose Maven, click Next until it's done.

step4: config project

Go to File-Project Structure....

  1. In the Project tab, set Project SDK and Project language level both to Java 1.8.
  2. In the Modules tab, click ele-cli and mark res folder as Resources.

step5: run it

The entry is simonlee.elegantcli.CLI. If you want to run it, remember to go to the corresponding Run/Debug Configurations, and set Working directory to ELEGANT/ele-cli.

Tutorials - ele-cli

For easily use, we provide a tool ele-cli that you can use from your command line. And ele-cli is a best practice of using ELEGANT. To use ele-cli,

usage: java -jar ele-cli.jar [option ...] <apk>
 -d3,--d3-algo <value>        algorithms used in 3rd party library
                              detection, <value> is one of: d3.none,
                              d3.whitelist, d3.libscout.
 -h,--help                    show help
 -m,--models <file>           custom api context models, in json format
 -o,--output <file>           redirect technique report output to <file>
 -p,--platforms <direcotry>   android platforms
 -V,--verbose                 print verbose information
 -v,--version                 show version

As shown above,

  • -d3 or --d3-algo designate the third party library detection algorithms. d3.whitelist as default, d3.none and d3.libscout are alternatives.
  • -m or --models designate the models json file you want to use. The model.json provide in res directory is the default one.
  • -o or --output designate the output file that the technique report will redirect to. stdout by default.
  • -p or --platforms designate the android platforms directory. $ANDROID_HOME/platforms by default.
  • -V or —verbose designate whether output the call chain details. false by default.

Tutorials - ELEGANT

ELEGANT is a library, on top of Soot [3], writing in Java. Having downloaded ELEGANT.jar according to download, there are 3 steps left to use ELEGANT.

1. Create an ELEGANT instance

The first thing you do is to create an ELEGANT instance using the builder ELEGANT.Builder,

String apkPath       = "some_directory/test.apk";
String modelsPath    = "some_directory/test.models.json";
String platformsPath = "your_android_home/platforms";
String d3Algo        = "d3.whitelist";

ELEGANT.Builder builder = new ELEGANT.Builder();
ELEGANT elegant = builder

As shown above, the ELEGANT.Builder will guide you to construct a legal ELEGANT instance. If any REQUIRED field are missed, ELEGANT.Builder willfail. All fields are,

  • withApkPath REQUIRED
  • withModelsPath REQUIRED you can use models.json provided by ele-cli, see details in section ele-cli
  • withPlatformsPath REQUIRED
  • withD3Algo OPTIONAL alternatives are d3.whitelist, d3.none and d3.libscout.

2. Watch issues

The second step is to write a issue handle to receive the issues emitted by ELEGANT, and watch it.

2.1 Write a Issue Handle

Any issue handle you want to use must inherit from PubSub.Handle. ELEGANT, by far, reports 2 types of Issue, i.e. PIssue and RIssue, you receive them using your issue handle one by one and take care of them.

public abstract class IssueHandle implements PubSub.Handle {

    public void handle(PubSub.Message message) {
        if (!(message instanceof Issue)) {
            return ;
        } else if (message instanceof PIssue){
            System.out.println("PIssue: " + message.toString());
        } else if (message instanceof RIssue){
            System.out.println("RIssue: " + message.toString());
2.2 Watch it

Then you should tell ELEGANT that you want to watch issues by your issue handle.

elegant.watchIssues(new IssueHandle());

3. Report issues

The last step is to report them. The report codes should inhabit in your issue handle, but the recommended way is to write your own reporter to take care of them separately and use your issue handle as a proxy from ELEGANT to your own reporter.


MIT License.