
Java* Fuzzer for Android*

Primary LanguageRubyApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Java* Fuzzer test generator

Java* Fuzzer test generator is a random Java tests generator. It is derived from Java* Fuzzer for Android* (https://github.com/android-art-intel/Fuzzer), adapted for desktop/server Java environment on Linux and extended to cover more Java syntax features (class inheritance, complex loop patterns, improved exception throwing patterns, etc). The tool compares the result of execution in JIT mode with interpreter mode or reference Java VM that allows to detect crashes, hangs and incorrect calculations. The main idea of the tool is to generate hundreds of thousands small random tests and to cover various cases using pre-defined test generator heuristics and provide a strong testing for Java VM compiler and runtime.

Table of contents

  1. Setup and maintenance
  2. Tool files descrption
    1. Scripts
    2. Java sources
    3. Ruby sources
  3. How to run the tool
  4. MM extension
  5. Basic configuration file settings
  6. Known issues
  7. Authors

Setup and maintenance

Prepare environment:

  • Software:
    • Linux, bash version 4.1.2 or later
    • Reference JDK version 6 or higher
    • Ruby version 1.8.7 or higher
  • Set environment variables in common.sh script or through environment variables export:
    • REFERENCE_JAVA_HOME should point to the reference JDK location (default: the installed JDK location)
    • JAVA_UNDER_TEST should point to the java binary to be tested (<JDK under test location>/bin/java, default: the installed java binary)
    • Make sure ruby binary can be found in PATH
  • If necessary, set additional environment variables in common.sh script or through environment variables export:
    • (optional, default value 300 seconds if not set) TIME_OUT specifies time in seconds for a test to be killed by timeout
    • (optional, empty if not set) JAVA_UNDER_TEST_OPTS=<list of options to be passed to java to be tested>
    • (optional, empty if not set) JAVA_REFERENCE_OPTS=<list of options to be passed to reference java>
    • (optional, empty if not set) JAVAC_OPTS=<list of options to be passed to javac compiler>
    • (optional, empty if not set) IGNORE_DEBUG_OUTPUT_PATTERNS=<patterns to be ignored when comparing reference java output with java under test output>. E.g., '.CompilerOracle.' or other warnings/verbose VM ouput patterns
    • (optional, empty if not set) MM="true" if you specify a multi-threaded configuration mode (see details in "MM extension" section)
  • Speedup opportunity
    • If you have a RAM disk, you can mount it to /export/ram and the Fuzzer will automatically use it for temp files, which gives some speedup.

Tool files description


  • common.sh - common part for the scripts related to running Fuzzer and generated tests
  • mrt.sh - launches Fuzzer test cycle in host mode on multiple hosts in multiple processes
  • rt.sh - runs Fuzzer tool and generated tests in a loop; re-runs generated tests in a given dir

Java source files

  • rb/FuzzerUtils.java
    • superclass for all generated tests; includes methods for initializing arrays and calculating check sums

Ruby source files

  • Fuzzer.rb - The entry point of the tool
  • Basics.rb - Core abstractions described here (JavaClass, Array, Variable, Context).
  • Config.rb - Fuzzer configuration, importing from YML files.
  • Statements.rb - General Java statements generation
  • ControlFlow.rb - if-then-else, switch-case, continue-break statements support
  • Exceptions.rb - Java exceptions and try-catch statements generation
  • Loops.rb - loops statements
  • Methods.rb - Java Methods generation
  • LibMethods.rb - special cases for Java Methods generation
  • Vectorization.rb - Special cases for testing vectorization

How to run the tool

  1. Set required and optional environment variables as described in "Prepare environment" section
  2. Create results directory <results dir>
  3. Examples of run commands: Single process runs:

bash ./rt.sh -r results -p test -sp -conf config.yml 1000

This command launches Fuzzer process that generates 1000 tests and runs them on reference and tested java and compares outputs. All tests are stored in the results dir in passes, crashes, fails, and hangs sub-dirs, test directory name prefix is "test".

Multiple concurrent processes runs:

bash ./mrt.sh -NP 10 -NT 4000 -P test -R results-1

This command launches 10 Fuzzer processes, each of them generates 4K tests and runs them on reference and tested java and compares outputs. All the failed tests are stored in the results-1 dir in crashes, fails, and hangs sub-dirs.

Another typical commands examples:

bash ./mrt.sh -R results-1 -NT 10 -P build1-jdk8- -A -conf config.yml -sp

This command launches 10 processes, each of them generates unlimited number of tests till the script is killed using configuration file <Fuzzer tool location>/rb/config.yml, test directory prefix is set build1-jdk8- (suffix is a combination of process counter and test counter).

If you only want to generate test and disable differential testing, use -g option.

Explanation of options used here:

mrt.sh options:

Opt Meaning
-R Save the results to the specified directory
-NT Number of tests to generate by each thread
-NP Number of processes - can be omitted, then rt.sh option will be used
-P Prefix for the test names
-A Pass the rest arguments to rt.sh script

rt.sh options:

Opt Meaning
-r <dir> Save the results to the specified directory
-p <prefix string> Prefix for the test names
-sp save all tests incuding passed tests (by default only failed tests directories are kept
-conf <yml file> Specify configuration file located in <Fuzzer tool location>/rb/<yml file>
-g Generates only (don't differential test)
<number> Number of test to be generated, if set to -1 or not specified then unlimited number of tests is generated and run till the script is killed

MM extension

MM (Memory management) extension can be enabled by editing config.yml file. This is a special configuration that generates and runs multi-threaded tests. In this case tests can produce non-deterministic output and reference run comparison is disabled, only crashes (non-zero exit codes) can be caught.

  • Change the "mode" to "MM_extreme"
  • Set "max_threads" to a value greater or equal to 1
  • Set environment variable: export MM="true" (disables result comparison (this is needed for MM_extreme configuration, because generated tests are multi-threaded and could produce non-determenistic output)
  • Optional: Increase TIME_OUT
  • Optional: Add -Xmx option to JAVA_UNDER_TEST_OPTS and JAVA_REFERENCE_OPTS to allow more memory-intensive tests not to fail with OOM

Example: bash MM="true" ./mrt.sh -NP 2 -R results_multi_thread -A -conf configMultiThread.yml 10000

Explanation of flags used here:

Flag Meaning
-R <dir> Save the results to the specified directory
-NP Number of processes
-A Pass the rest options to rt.sh script
-conf <yml file> Use <yml file> for Fuzzer configuration

Basic configuration file settings

General settings

Parameter Meaning
mode 'default', 'MM_extreme' values are supported.
max_size max length of arrays and loops; should not be less than 10
max_nested_size max total number of iterations of nested loops in mainTest method
max_nested_size_not_mainTest max total number of iterations of nested loops in methods called from mainTest
min_size_fraction possible values >0, <1: minimal fraction of max_size to be guaranteed (other fraction is random(max_size-min_size_fraction*max_size)
max_stmts generated statements max count (per method)
max_arr_dim array max dimension
max_meths max count of methods (excluding main) in a class
max_args max count of a method arguments
max_classes max count of classes. The actual number can be greater due to foreign class fields generation
max_threads max count of runThread(Runnable obj) usage
p_constructor probability of non-trivial constructor
max_callers_chain maximum chain of methods calling each other
p_non_static_method probability of non-static method
mainTest_calls_num number of mainTest method calls, should be adjusted with compilation threshold
p_extends_class =50 probability of class extension
p_method_override = 80 probability that method in child class will override parent method with matching signature
max_num default value 0x10000: 16-bit int + 1 - max int literal
max_exp_depth max depth of expression
max_if_stmts max count of statements in if part of if statement
max_el_stmts max count of statements in else part of if statement
max_try_stmts max count of statements in try
max_loop_stmts max count of statements in a loop
max_loop_depth max depth of nested loops
p_unknown_loop_limit = 0 probability that for loop has an unknown upper limit (random expression as a loop limit)
p_inequality_in_loop_condition probability that for loop will have != in loop condition
p_loop_iter_num_gt_max_size probability that for loop iterations number will be greater than max arrays size
max_object_array_size max length of reference type arrays: can be set to a lower value than primitive type arrays to avoid OOM
allow_object_args allow objects to be passed as methods arguments, 0: disallow objects to be passed as methods arguments
p_invoc_expr probability of method invocation in expression
p_volatile probability of a variable being volatile
p_else probability of Else in If statement
p_triang probability of induction var in For initial value expr
p_meth_reuse probability of re-using known meth in an invocation
p_return probability of return statement
p_var_reuse probability of reusing existing var or arr
p_class_reuse probability of reusing existing class
p_big_switch probability of big switch
p_packed_switch probability of packed switch
p_switch_empty_case probability of having a case with empty body
for_step custom for loop step can be set (e.g., +1, -1, +2, -2, +4, -4, ...)
p_ind_var_type custom (other than integer) type can be used as loop induction variable type

Var types description:

Ver type Meaning
non_static non-static field of a current class
static static field of a current class
local local variable of a current method
static_other static field of a foreign class, example: Class1.iFld
local_other non-static field of an object of a foreign class, example: Object1.iFld
block the variable is declared in current block (loop)

Other configurable items:

  • types - supported types: primitive types (boolean, byte, short, int, long, float, double), reference types. Reference types variables can be objects of any generated class. Besides, all generated arrays are treated as Array variables and can be assigned/reassigned.
  • statements - supported statements: ForLoopStmt, WhileDoStmt, EnhancedForStmt, ContinueStmt, BreakStmt, IfStmt, SwitchStmt, AssignmentStmt, IntDivStmt, ReturnStmt, TryStmt, ExcStmt (exception throw), VectStmt (assignment statement following a pattern that make vectorization optimization applicable), InvocationStmt (method invocation), CondInvocStmt,SmallMethStmt
  • operator - operators list can also be customized

Known issues

March 01, 2018:

  • Sometimes two or more @Override methods with the same name and signature are generated in the same child class causing a syntax error
  • Sometimes static variable is generated and used but is not declared causing a syntax error
  • Possible inconsistence cycled call chains detection: rejecting call chains too strictly
  • String type testing support is not enabled


  • Mohammad R. Haghighat (Intel Corporation)
  • Dmitry Khukhro (Intel Corporation)
  • Andrey Yakovlev (Intel Corporation)

Authors of 2017-2018 modifications

  • Nina Rinskaya (Azul Systems)
  • Ivan Popov (Azul Systems)

Authors of 2021- modifications

  • Cong Li (NJU SPAR and ETHZ AST Labs)