
Python interface for Android emulator

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Enables android emulator in your python script.


This python package is a wrapper for standard android emulator (via telnet) implementation. It allows you to execute android emulator commands in your python script.

What's supported?

Currently following adb commands are supported:

  • auth
  • avd

What's not supported?

Currently following adb commands are not supported:

  • fold
  • unfold
  • kill
  • ping
  • rotate
  • crash
  • crash-on-exit
  • debug
  • redir
  • geo
  • event
  • power
  • gsm
  • cdma
  • sensor
  • sms
  • finger

What's TODO?

  • Add with context manager
  • Add adapters to provide more easy-to-use functions (see here), e.g.
    • save/load snapshot (e.g., sdk version)
    • ...

How to install?

Download with help of git:

$ git clone https://github.com/Leetsong/pyemu.git

How to use?

Put dir pyemu to your own project, a demo example shows here.

emu = AndroidEmu(log_output=False, log_command=True)
emu.open(host='localhost', port=5554)

    retc, result = emu.auth(Path.home() / '.emulator_console_auth_token')
    print('>> [{}]\n{}\n'.format(retc, result))

    retc, result = emu.avd('snapshot', 'list')
    print('>> [{}]\n{}\n'.format(retc, result))

    retc, result = emu.network('delay', AndroidEmuNetworkDelay.customize(1000, 2000))
    print('>> [{}]\n{}\n'.format(retc, result))
except Exception as e:

How to contribute?

  • Implement emulator commands which are currently not supported by the module (see above)
  • Bring your own ideas!