News for Ewes

Welcome to News for Ewes! The latest news about grazing, bleating and flocking!

This is a news application for ewes, showing the latest news stories using JavaScript, HTML/CSS the Guardian API. Instead of making a standard news application, we thought it would be fun to apply a theme and tap into a market niche! Please note that some of the API implementation is still work in progress.


  • JavaScript
  • Guardian API

Key features:

  • Navigate to homepage
  • Click on the latest news stories!

Deployment instructions:

  1. Navigate to your projects directory
  2. Run git clone
  3. Run cd news-app
  4. Navigate to /Users/conniereinholdsson/Desktop/New_Projects/news-app/index.html in browser
  5. Check out the latest ewes related news stories!


Below are the user stories we used to build the application:

User Stories

As a busy ewe
I can see all of today's headlines in one place
So I know what the big stories of the day are
As a busy ewe
So I can get a few more details about an important story
I can read a summary of a news article
As a busy ewe
I can read a full news article
So that I can get an in depth understanding of a very important story
As a busy ewe
I can see a picture to illustrate each news article when I browse headlines
So that I have something nice to look at
As a busy ewe
I can read the site comfortably on my phone
Just in case my laptop breaks
As a busy ewe
I can see whizzy animations in the app
To make my news reading more fun