
I finished CS50 back in July, but I was pretty happy with my final project so I decided to put it on github too :)

Primary LanguageC


Hi! I'm Connie and this is my final project :)

What is it?

This game is a game based on the 'sims' games series developed by Maxis. This is a text based version of it written with C. In the program you can begin life at any age (obviously not ridiculously low like -32859435 or ridiculously high like 18432) and you go through life from whatever game you chose. During the game you get to go to school, get a job, make friends, buy items of your choice and more! You eventually die when you start gettind older, and then that's game over when you die.

Where is the project?

All of the code is written in sims.c, and I added comments for each of the functions so to find them easier. If you want to quit the game just type 'QUIT' when prompted to.

How is it played?

The game is played sort of like a normal command line, you type what you want to do from the instructions menu and then from there make decisions. E.G in buy after typing 'BUY' you get given options of what to buy, and get to make your choice of what you wish to buy, granted you have the money in game.

What were some of my decisions I made when making it?

I originally debated whether or not to make it in C or Python, but I chose C in the end because I felt like it'd be better and more of a challenge for me to attempt it in C, rather than Python as I already have much experience with Python. Also I think C is better for text-based/command-line programs and games.

Also when I made it I decided to make it look a bit nicer by adding -- infront and at the end of headings so they can stand out more amongst all the other bits of text, as it can get annoying sometimes just staring at a wall of text trying to read it all.

I also went back and edited my code to add more comments so it can make more sense to others when they try and read and understand it.

Why did I choose this for my final project?

The reason I chose to make this for my final project was because I wanted to make a text based, command line sort of game, and I wasn't sure what but I went for this as I came up with the idea and thought it was pretty good, and I love the sims and thought it would be fun to try make a game inspired by it.

And this is my final project! Hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed making it :D