
Software Engineering Metric Visualisation Project for CSU33012 Software Engineering at TCD

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Software Engineering Metric Visualisation Project for CSU33012 Software Engineering at TCD Brief; Interrogate the GitHub API to build visualisation of data available tht elucidates some aspect of the softare engineering process, such as a social graph of developers and projects, or a visualisation of indiviudal of team performance. Provide a visualisation of this using the d3js library. See https://d3js.org

It might be necessary to run

                pip install python-nvd3

in the command line to install the Chart Library for d3.js if not already installed

The visualisation takes only the latest 30 commits and latest 30 repos for an organisation. I thought this was enough information for the visualisation to be effective However, to display the latest 50 repos, for example, the repo URL can be changed from

repos_url = 'https://api.github.com/orgs/' + org_name + '/repos'


repos_url = 'https://api.github.com/orgs/' + org_name + '/repos?per_page=50'