Getting Started

  1. Install Docker CE
  2. Build the Docker Image using build args
  • See the Build an image section below.
  • Once built, an image can be dispatched to N containers
  • There is not hot loading set up. Any changes, force a container rebuild
    • To keep an old version of a container, increment the tag (currently 0.1)
  • Builds and containers can get heavy
    • Remove old containers when they finish running
    • Remove old images that have been deprecated
  1. Notes
  • The host machine's localhost is normally within a running container
  • The docker IP is normally

Using Docker

Build an image:

docker build --build-arg MYBUILDARG="ABCDEF1234567890" -t myimage:0.1 .

Run interactive terminal in image

docker run -it myimage:0.1 bash

Note: Very helpful to prep unix os based builds

Run a solver given scenario_ids

  • To run a container and remove it once it has completed its job:
docker run --rm myimage:0.1 python3
  • To save the container state after finishing its job:
docker run myimage:0.1 python3

List Containers

docker ps -a

Remove Containers

docker rm <container hash>

Remove All Containers

docker rm $(docker ps -a -q)

List Images

docker images -a

Delete Image

docker rmi <name>:<tag>
docker rmi <image hash>

Delete All Images

docker system prune -a