
Primary LanguageProlog

Adventure Game in Prolog


To start the program at the beginning, you MUST type play.. This will start the program in your bedroom. You must exit the program to start over though.


The way to function through the program is to use functions.

  • to find where you are, you would type where..
  • to look around Your bedroom, you would type look("Your bedroom")..
  • to study an alien figurine in Your bedroom, you would type study("alien figurine").
  • to move to Hallway outside Your bedroom, you would type move("Hallway").
  • to take an alien figurine, you would type take("alien figurine").
  • to check your inventory, you would type intentory.
  • to make a charged dragon bone, you would type make("charged dragon bone") while holding a large dragon bone and in the Laser Lab.
  • to put alien figurine in the room, you would type put("alien figurine").
  • to transfer small energy disk to red pylon, you would type transfer("small energy disk", "red pylon").

For Grader

Function Checked Unchecked
look around look(item/place) lookless(item/place)
study object study(item/place) studyless(item/place)
move around move(newPosition) moveless(item/place)
pick up object take(item) takeless(item)
put down object put(item) putless(item, place to put)
combine ingredients make(item) makeless(item)
transfer energy disks transfer(disk, new pylon) transferless(disk, new pylon)