
This is a solution manual for the book "Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs JavaScript Edition".


This is a solution manual for the book "Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs JavaScript Edition" by Martin Henz (Adapter), Tobias Wrigstad (Adapter), Harold Abelson (Author), Gerald Jay Sussman (Author), Julie Sussman (Contributor).


This repo contains my solutions to the exercises in each chapter of the book. The solutions are organized by chapter.

About the Book

"Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs" is a classic computer science textbook that teaches fundamental principles of programming and computer science through a dialect of Lisp.

The JavaScript edition adapts the original book to use JavaScript instead of Lisp. It covers concepts like:

  • Abstraction
  • Recursive programming
  • Higher-order functions
  • Programming language semantics
  • Interpreters

While the book uses JavaScript, the core ideas are language agnostic and provide a great foundation for any programmer.

About the Solutions

I worked through the exercises and created these solutions as I was learning from the book. They may not be perfect or the only way to solve each exercise, but reflect how I was able to solve them.

Feel free to use these solutions to check your own work or learn from. But I recommend you only consult a solution after you've tried to solve an exercise yourself. The real learning comes from wrestling with the concepts yourself!

Let me know if you find any errors. I'm always looking to improve these solutions.
