
DevOps Lab Day SoSe 2018

Primary LanguagePythonThe UnlicenseUnlicense


DevOps Poker bot template

How to use

To use the DevOps Poker bot template create a fork of the git repository and clone it to your workstation.

To run the bot in a game, you need to change the configuration at the top of dplayer.py.

# -----------------------------------------------------------
# Configuration
# You need to change the setting according to your environment
# -----------------------------------------------------------

gregister_url is the game server URL to register the bot for a game. glocalip_adr is the ip of your workstation to be called by the game server. Make sure your firewall does not block traffic on the port you've selected for your bot.

Prerequisites to run dplayer.py on your workstation

The following prerequisites are required to run dplayer.py:

  • Python 3.5 or better
  • packages required
    • flask
    • flask_restful
    • requests
  • PIP to install packages - PIP is available on Windows in Scripts folder after installation.

Install packages

pip install flask
pip install flask_restful
pip install requests

run the bot

The bot requires some command line parameters:

DevOps Poker Bot - usage instruction
python dplayer.py <team name> <port> <password>
python3 dplayer bazinga 40001 x407

Team name and password is provided by the organizers.

improve your game

The bot template is configured to fold as soon as possible. This means you cannot win. To improve your game you need to deploy new versions with a modified __get_bid function. The function returns an integer value with your bid in a bet round. Hand cards and community cards are provided. The data passed to __get_bid in the data parameter is described in the source code comments.

## return bid to caller
#  Depending on the cards passed to this function in the data parameter,
#  this function has to return the next bid.
#  The following rules are applied:
#   -- fold --
#   bid < min_bid
#   bid > max_bid -> ** error **
#   (bid > min_bid) and (bid < (min_bid+big_blind)) -> ** error **
#   -- check --
#   (bid == 0) and (min_bid == 0) -> check
#   -- call --
#   (bid == min_bid) and (min_bid > 0)
#   -- raise --
#   min_bid + big_blind + x
#   x is any value to increase on top of the Big blind
#   -- all in --
#   bid == max_bid -> all in
#  @param data : a dictionary containing the following values
#                min_bid   : minimum bid to return to stay in the game
#                max_bid   : maximum possible bid
#                big_blind : the current value of the big blind
#                board     : a list of board cards on the table as string '<rank><suit>'
#                hand      : a list of individual hand cards as string '<rank><suit>'
#                            <rank> : 23456789TJQKA
#                            <suit> : 's' : spades
#                                     'h' : hearts
#                                     'd' : diamonds
#                                     'c' : clubs
# @return a dictionary containing the following values
#         bid  : a number between 0 and max_bid


  1. The bot registers itself automatically when it's started. It automatically removes the registration if it crashes or terminates.
  2. If a bot is started with the same team name on another host/port, the registration is updated and the new bot is used in the next game.
  3. Errors in return values or not reachable, registered bots are interpreted as fold by the server.