
A front-end testing framework using Selenium WebDriver and Python.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

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A front-end testing framework using Selenium WebDriver and Python.

WebDriver Test Tools provides a framework and utilities for writing front-end functional tests.


  • Framework for writing cross-browser front-end test suites
  • Pre-defined test functions for commonly used test procedures
  • Utilities and extended functionality for the Selenium WebDriver package
  • Implementation of the Page Object Model with pre-defined page objects for common elements (navbars, forms, etc)
  • Command line tool for quickly generating files and directories for new test projects
  • Mobile device layout emulation for responsive tests
  • Headless browser testing
  • Support for running tests on BrowserStack

This project uses Selenium WebDriver for automated browser actions and the python unittest library for the test framework, documentation for which can be found below:


Full documentation for WebDriver Test Tools:


  • Python 3.4+
  • pip (included by default with Python 3.4+)

In order to use Selenium, drivers will need to be installed for any browser tests will be run on. Below are currently supported drivers, their default enabled/disabled status, and their supported features:

Driver Enabled by Default Headless Browsing Mobile Layout
Google Chrome
Internet Explorer      

Cross-platform browsers are enabled by default, while platform-specific browsers are disabled by default. You can enable or disable drivers in <test_package>/config/browser.py by setting the corresponding value in BrowserConfig.ENABLED_BROWSERS to True or False, respectively.

The following documentation goes into detail on configuring browsers for testing:


The package can be installed using pip:

pip install webdriver-test-tools

Note: Command may be pip3 instead of pip depending on the system.

Creating a Test Suite

The package itself does not contain test cases. To generate files for a new test suite, change into the desired directory and run:

wtt init

This will generate a new test package with template files and project directories.

The following documentation goes into detail on test projects:

  • Test Projects: Test project setup, configuration, command line usage, and directory structure
  • Example Test Project: Step-by-step tutorial with a simple example test project

To initialize a new test project in the current directory:

wtt init [<package_name>] [<"Project Title">] [--no-gitignore] [--no-readme]


  • <package_name>: Name for the new test package. (alphanumeric characters and underscores only. Cannot start with a number)
  • <"Project Title">: (Optional) Friendly name for the test project. Defaults to the value of <package_name> if not provided
  • --no-gitignore: Do not create .gitignore files for project root and log directory
  • --no-readme: Do not generate README file with usage info

If no arguments are provided, a prompt will walk you through project initialization.

For info on command line arguments:

wtt --help

To print the version number:

wtt --version

Note: wtt and webdriver_test_tools can be used interchangeably.

Please read the contributing guidelines for details on reporting bugs, requesting features, and making contributions to the project.


To generate files for a new test suite, change into the desired directory and run:

wtt init

This will generate a new test package with template files and project directories.

(Optional) Setup Virtual Environment

If using virtualenv, initialize the virtual environment before installing the test package:

virtualenv venv
source ./venv/bin/activate

Test Package Installation

After initializing the test project, run the following command from the project root directory:

pip install -e .

Installing with the -e flag will update the package automatically when changes are made to the source code.


After initializing a project, the URL of the site to be tested will need to be configured. In <test_package>/config/site.py, set the SITE_URL and BASE_URL of the SiteConfig class. You can add any other URLs you'll need as class variables as well.


<test_package> [-h] <command>

If no <command> is specified, the run command will be executed by default.

Note: If the test package was not installed with pip, run test packages commands using python -m <test_package> <command>.

For info on command line arguments, use the --help (or -h) argument:

<test_package> --help

Creating New Project Files

New tests and page objects can be generated using the new command:

<test_package> new [<type>] [<module_name>] [<ClassName>] [-d <description>] [-f]


  • <type>: The type of file to create (test or page)
  • <module_name>: Filename to use for the new python module
  • <ClassName>: Name to use for the initial class
  • <description>: (Optional) Description for the initial class
  • -f: (Optional) Force overwrite if a file with the same name already exists

If no arguments are provided, a prompt will walk you through generating the new file. Alternatively, you can skip the prompts by using the arguments shown in the following sections.

Creating New Tests

New test modules can be generated using the new test command:

<test_package> new test <module_name> <TestCaseClass>

Where <module_name> is the filename for the new test and <TestCaseClass> is the class name for the test case.

The --description (or -d) argument can be used to add a description for the initial test case class:

<test_package> new test <module_name> <TestCaseClass> -d "Test case description"

If a test module with the same <module_name> already exists, new test will not overwrite it by default. The --force (or -f) argument can be used to force overwrite existing files:

<test_package> new test <module_name> <TestCaseClass> --force
Creating New Page Objects

New page object modules can be generated using the new page command:

<test_package> new page <module_name> <PageObjectClass>

Where <module_name> is the filename for the new module and <PageObjectClass> is the class name for the page object.

The --description (or -d) argument can be used to add a description for the initial page object class:

<test_package> new page <module_name> <PageObjectClass> -d "Page object description"

By default, the new class will be a generic BasePage subclass. The --prototype (or -p) argument can be used to specify a page object prototype class to use as a parent class for the new page object:

<test_package> new page <module_name> <PageObjectClass> -p <prototype>

For a list of valid <prototype> options, run <test_package> new page --help.

Page object prototypes support YAML file parsing to simplify the syntax of representing elements. Whether YAML files or Python-only files are generated by default is configured in <test_package>/config/projectfiles.py by setting the ENABLE_PAGE_OBJECT_YAML variable of the ProjectFilesConfig class.

The default setting can be overridden by using command line arguments. If ENABLE_PAGE_OBJECT_YAML is True, the --no-yaml (or -Y) argument can be used to only generate .py files:

<test_package> new page <args> --no-yaml

If ENABLE_PAGE_OBJECT_YAML is False, the --yaml (or -y) argument can be used to generate .py and .yml files for supported prototypes:

<test_package> new page <args> --yaml

If a page module with the same <module_name> already exists, new page will not overwrite it by default. The --force (or -f) argument can be used to force overwrite existing files:

<test_package> new page <module_name> <PageObjectClass> --force

Running Tests

Basic Usage

To run all tests:

Running Specific Tests

To run all test cases in one or more modules, use the --module (or -m) argument:

<test_package> --module <test_module> [<test_module> ...]

To skip all test cases in one or more modules, use the --skip-module (or -S) argument:

<test_package> --skip-module <test_module> [<test_module> ...]

To run specific test case classes or methods, use the --test (or -t) argument:

<test_package> --test <TestClass>[.<test_method>] [<TestClass>[.<test_method>] ...]

To skip certain test cases or methods, use the --skip (or -s) argument:

<test_package> --skip <TestClass>[.<test_method>] [<TestClass>[.<test_method>] ...]

The --test and --skip arguments both support wildcards (*) in class and method names.

These arguments can be used together. When combined, they are processed in the following order:

  1. --skip-module removes the specified modules from the set of tests
  2. --module reduces the set of tests to those in the specified modules
  3. --test reduces the set of tests to the specified classes and methods
  4. --skip removes the specified classes and methods from the set of tests
Using Specific Browsers

To do any of the above in specific browsers rather than running in all available browsers, use the --browser (or -b) argument:

<test_package> <args> --browser <browser> [<browser ...]

For a list of options you can specify with --browser, run <test_package> --help.

Using Headless Browsers

By default, tests run using the browser's GUI. While it can be helpful to see what's going on during test execution, loading and rendering the browser window can be resource-intensive and slows down performance during test execution.

To improve performance, tests can be run in headless browsers using the --headless (or -H) argument:

<test_package> <args> --headless

Note: When using the --headless argument, tests will only be run with the following web drivers that support running in a headless environment:

Using BrowserStack

Test projects can be configured to run tests on BrowserStack. Once BrowserStack support is enabled, tests can be run on BrowserStack using the --browserstack (or -B) argument:

<test_package> <args> --browserstack

See the documentation on BrowserStack Support for more details and setup instructions.

Configuring Output

By default, detailed output is displayed when running tests. To reduce or suppress output, use the --verbosity (or -v) argument:

<test_package> <args> --verbosity <level>

Where <level> is one of the following:

  • 0 - Final results only
  • 1 - Final results and progress indicator
  • 2 - Full output

Note: The default output level can be changed in <test_package>/config/test.py by setting the DEFAULT_VERBOSITY attribute of the TestSuiteConfig class.

List Available Tests

Basic Usage

To print a list of available test classes and methods:

<test_package> list

To include docstrings for each test class and method in output:

<test_package> list --verbose
Listing Specific Tests

To only list test classes from specific modules:

<test_package> list --module <test_module> [<test_module> ...]

To omit specific modules:

<test_package> list --skip-module <test_module> [<test_module> ...]

To only list specific test classes:

<test_package> list --test <TestClass> [<TestClass> ...]

To skip certain test classes in output:

<test_package> --skip <TestClass> [<TestClass> ...]

See Running Specific Tests for more info on these arguments.

wtt init will create the following files and directories inside the project directory:

├── README.rst
├── setup.py
└── <test_package>/
    ├── __main__.py
    ├── __init__.py
    ├── config/
    │   ├── __init__.py
    │   ├── browser.py
    │   ├── browserstack.py
    │   ├── projectfiles.py
    │   ├── site.py
    │   ├── test.py
    │   └── webdriver.py
    ├── data.py
    ├── log/
    ├── pages/
    │   └── __init__.py
    ├── screenshot/
    └── tests/
        └── __init__.py

This test structure is designed to be used with the Page Object Model. Interaction with the page should be handled by page objects to minimize the need to alter tests whenever the HTML is changed.

Test Project Root Contents

  • setup.py: Python package setup file that allows the new test suite to be installed as a pip package.

Test Package Root Contents

  • __main__.py: Required to run tests from the command line.
  • __init__.py: Empty init file so Python recognizes the directory as a package.
  • data.py: Module for storing static data for tests that must use specific values (e.g. emails, usernames, etc).

Test Package Directories


Configurations used by test scripts for site URLs, web driver options, and the python unittest framework.

  • browser.py: Configure which browsers to run tests in.
  • browserstack.py: Enable and configure testing with BrowserStack.
  • projectfiles.py: Configure defaults for generating project files with the new command.
  • site.py: Configure URLs used for testing.
  • test.py: Configure the unittest.TestRunner class.
  • webdriver.py: Configure WebDrivers and log output directory.

Default output directory for WebDriver logs. This can be changed in config/webdriver.py.


Page object classes for pages and components. These classes should handle locating and interacting with elements on the page. See Creating New Page Objects for info on generating new page object modules.


Default output directory for screenshots taken during test execution. This can be changed in config/webdriver.py.


Test case modules. These use page objects to interact with elements and assert that the expected behavior occurs. See Creating New Tests for info on generating new test modules.