SimuliCore is a collection of C++ libraries for scientific and computational development.
Traditional functional scientific programming is supported by a wide range of libraries and can be used for high performance code production, but at the same time it can be painful to master due to the vast documentation and the often long argument list of many of the APIs out there.
SimuliCore aims to bridge the gap between the established codebases and the modern object oriented coding style, while maintaining the efficiency, robustness and performance the first has to offer.
The first library in the suite is CLA3P (Compact Linear Algebra Parallel Portable Package) a high performance linear algebra library that uses smart OOP design patterns and an intuitive API that allows the user to produce high quality code with minimum effort.
To build and install the suite, see the guide below.
In order to build SimuliCore you will need:
- CMake 3.7.0 and above.
- Intel® Math Kernel Library available for download here.
Development process default compilers are:
- GNU C++ compiler v11.4.0
- Microsoft Visual Studio 2022 msvc_x64 v17.8.2
For the SimuliCore installation guide see
The default installation directories are:
for Linux and
for Windows.
In the installation directory you will find the following folders:
<simulicore_install>/include : the SimuliCore include directory
<simulicore_install>/lib : the SimuliCore library directory
<simulicore_install>/3rd : directory containing the 3rd party library configurations
<simulicore_install>/examples: the SimuliCore examples directory
<simulicore_install>/license : licensing related documents
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See license and notice for more information.