
This is a project created for the fictional "Paddy's Pub". This program scans an editable list of products, prints a receipt, and saves it onto your local directory as well as emailing it to you.


  • Anaconda 3.7+
  • Python 3.7+
  • Pip


Fork this remote repository under your own control, then clone your remote copy onto your local computer.

Then navigate there from the command line (subsequent commands assume you are running them from the local repository's root directory):

cd shopping-cart

Use Anaconda to create and activate a new virtual environment, perhaps called "shopping-env":

conda create -n shopping-env python=3.8
conda activate shopping-env

From inside the virtual environment, install package dependencies:

pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install sendgrid

NOTE: if this command throws an error like "Could not open requirements file: [Errno 2] No such file or directory", make sure you are running it from the repository's root directory, where the requirements.txt file exists (see the initial cd step above)


In in the root directory of your local repository, create a new file called ".env", and update the contents of the ".env" file to specify the sales tax rate of your location:

TAX_RATE = 0.10


Run the shopping cart script:


Receipts will save in the "receipts" folder of your root directory. You will have the option to enter your email address and have it emailed to you.